On this page you will find a selection of resources for Clinical Psychology trainees, supervisors, and staff.

2023-24 academic timetable

Placement and supervision contract template (combined)

2022-23 academic handbook and academic timetable

Supervising for Salomons 

2018 intake onwards: Handbooks and Practice Learning Documents (23/24)

Information for supervisors about placement documentation and competencies

The placement paperwork for the 2016 cohort onwards was revised in response to new accreditation criteria published by the BPS. There is now an emphasis on the observation and documentation of emerging competencies in specific interventions, and in psychological assessment and testing. Please see below if you require any guidance on completing the current versions of the forms (i.e. trainee intakes 2016 onwards).

This link takes you to a condensed half an hour training on the changes to the programme around specific competencies in therapy, beyond therapy and neuropsychological testing. It explains the reasons for the changes, and goes through the associated changes to the paperwork.

This link takes you to a role play of a supervision session where systemic competencies are elicited. By using the systemic framework competency log, you may be able to practice an observation of the trainee’s emerging competencies in this area. You may want to think about what feedback you might have given them at the end of supervision.

Links to national and international competency frameworks

Additional model specific competency frameworks

Further information for new and experienced supervisors

Intakes prior to 2018