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Success after Clearing: Courtney's story

Community and opportunity were two reasons why Courtney decided to apply to CCCU through Clearing. Read her story. 

Photo of Courtney

My journey into higher education started through Clearing.

Courtney wanted to be part of a university where she felt a part of the community. She was looking for a university experience where she could work closely with her lecturers, forming relationships that would lead to opportunity. 

So, after much research, she applied to Canterbury Christ Church University through Clearing.

Courtney is now a successful graduate with a Law: LL.B. degree. With opportunities available to her during her degree, she is ready to confidently enter world of work. 

Choosing a university with a close-knit community 

"I have always wanted to go onto higher education, so naturally I applied to university. My university choices were partly based on location as I did not want to be too far away from home but not too close either. The thought of having independence away from home whilst studying was exciting and scary because it was a new challenge.

"My journey into higher education started through Clearing. I decided to study Law here because, after some research, I found that I would have opportunities to develop extra skills outside of lectures and seminars.

"I felt as though studying here would give me a better opportunity to have lecturers know me as an individual and assist with my studies, rather than being part of a very large cohort which may have meant I wouldn’t have had the same access to lecturers."

An array of opportunities at CCCU

"I found my experience very enjoyable, from my first year through to my final year. I was part of the Law society, and I joined the CLOCK scheme, which gave students the opportunity to work with members of the community at the local court.

"Within my role as a community legal companion I had the opportunity to share my knowledge of court procedures with members of the community that may not understand the system.

"The CLOCK scheme was truly unique – it wasn't not offered by all universities and I felt privileged to be part of it.

"Lectures and seminars were informative and helpful throughout my time studying Law, and lecturers were also on hand to support us with whatever we needed.

Overall, I graduated with more than just a degree. I graduated with a community of people who genuinely wanted to see me succeed, and that is why CCCU remains so special."

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