Course Planning, Development and Approval

This page is currently being redesigned, pending the implementation of the revised Academic Framework and the Curriculum Management Tool. 

Any new course development which you intend to undertake from September 2024 will need to follow the new Academic Framework.

For information regarding each stage of the approval process, including documentation requirements and templates, please contact your Faculty Quality team or contact the Quality and Standards Office. 

In order to maintain the quality of our academic offer, new course proposals must undergo a formal development process and sign-off before they can be offered in the University's academic portfolio.

A typical timeline for planning and developing a new course is 18 months and sufficient time should be factored in to enable system set-up, student recruitment and other post approval activities. 

The course planning process is undergoing redevelopment in line with the implementation of the revised Academic Framework and Curriculum  Management Tool. Please contact your Faculty Quality team or Quality and Standards Office for more information. 

There are two stages to course planning.

To begin, course teams must complete Planning Stage 1. The purpose is to ensure that there is an in-principle case for inclusion of a course in the academic portfolio and that it will meet the University's strategic needs. Course teams must present a business case and evidence of market research. The approval body for this phase is the Academic Stategy Committee.

As part of this stage, course teams must liaise with the Management Accounts team to complete a financial annex and with the Planning team to complete a student number annex. 

The second phase requires detailed academic plans for the course, including:  course aims and learning outcomes, module details such as delivery schedule, credit value, academic direction hours and assessment methods.

Steps 1-3 of the process flow cover the planning stages.

Templates to be completed are:

  • Planning Stage forms - please contact Quality and Standards for the latest template [from April 2024]
  • Finance Annex and Student Number Annex (liaise with Management Accounts to complete these)
  • Curriculum Set-up table - Contact for more details
  • Prospectus Entry relevant to section B7: Marketing Arrangements (Please contact your Faculty Marketing Manager for further information)

Your course design should fit with one of the main University academic calendars in order to provide a consistent framework with semester and trimester structures.

A separate planning form should be completed for short courses (see below for more information).

In this phase, course teams will develop the detailed curriculum and the approaches to learning and teaching, course management and student support mechanisms which will support the delivery of the course. Course teams should outline their approach to industry engagement, including Professional Statutory and Regulatory Bodies (PSRB) where applicable.

See step 4 of the process flow. 

Faculty scrutiny of the proposal must be completed and receive sign-off by the Chair of Faculty Quality Committee before the proposal proceeds to University level approval.

Document templates to be completed:

  • Course specification - Contact for more details
  • Course document - Contact for more details
  • Module specification and descriptor - Contact for more details
  • External Advisor nomination
  • External Advisor report

The approval process involves an examination of the academic plans for a course. It focuses on whether the course meets national and subject expectations and whether it is likely to provide a learning experience of high quality.

Courses go through a Faculty scrutiny stage before progressing to a University curriculum approval panel. The Faculty Curriculum Approval Panel will examine the proposal to confirm that it is of the expected standard of academic quality and will provide the expected student experience. The terms of reference set out the panel composition and expectations.

The University course criteria document outlines the criteria which a course proposal must meet.

See steps 5-6 of the process flow.

Course documentation is required to be submitted to the  Quality and Standards Office 3 weeks prior to the University Curriculum Approval Panel.

The University Curriculum Approval Panel (UCAP) is convened by the Quality and Standards Office and examines the new course proposal to confirm that the University course approval process has been followed and the course will provide the expected student experience. 

It will reach one of the following outcomes:

  • certify approval of the course with no changes required
  • request minor drafting alterations, to be approved by UCAP Chair's action a
  • the proposal is returned to the Faculty; the UCAP report will detail areas for further significant development for the course team and Faculty to consider 
  • withdraw the course proposal in its current presentation.

The purpose of the panel is outlined in the Terms of Reference.

The University Curriculum Approval Panel guidance document gives more detail about the composition and operation of the panel.

The UCAP Process flow summarises the process for submission and approval.

The Short Course approval process is currently being reviewed with the intention of the new process being implemented from September 2024. 

Short courses are courses at or below 40 credits and are normally approved by the Faculty Quality Committee. The Quality Manual provides information about designing a short course and the approval process

The current process is outlined below. 

The Faculty Quality Committee (FQC) approves short courses for the faculty, usually for a period of 5 years.  The process for short course approval is as follows:

  • Submission of Planning Stage 1 form (PS1) to FPPE
  • If supported by the FPPE, submission of PS1 to the Academic Strategy Committee (ASC)
  • If ASC support in-principle approval, the Course Team complete the Short-Course-Planning-Proposal-Form and submit this to FQC.
  • If the course is non-collaborative, FQC has the authority to approve the short course
  • If the course is collaborative, FQC will consider and then refer the proposal to the ASC Scrutiny Group.   Section 1.4 in the Quality Manual provides full details.

If you have any queries, please contact your Faculty Director of Quality in the first instance.

Course Teams developing a new course of study must appoint an External Advisor who will review the course documentation.

The External Advisor will act as a critical friend providing input to the Course Director on curriculum design and appropriateness for new course proposals. The External Advisor will complete a report on whether the course meets learning outcomes, align with academic benchmarks and where necessary Professional Statutory Regulatory Body (PSRB) standards, and that the curriculum for each module is appropriate to the course and the award title. This report will be reviewed as part of the Faculty Scrutiny process before being submitted as part of the course submission to the University standing approval panel.

A fee of £150 will be paid for this work. It is permitted, but not required, that the External Examiner may be used for this role. It is the responsibility of the course team to liaise with their external advisor to ensure that the external scrutiny is carried out.

This is a full list of the templates mentioned elsewhere in the New Course Development and Approval section.

In preparing for course development, the following resources will be helpful:

For further information and advice on course planning and development, contact the Quality Officers:

Course Teams should also liaise with their Faculty Director of Quality and Faculty Director of Learning and Teaching.

Useful links


Contact us

    • For further information on Course Planning, Development and Approval, contact the Quality Officers via

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Last edited: 21/05/2024 14:16:00