At CCCU, we believe all students have the right to live and study in a safe and supportive environment.
Your safety, both on and off campus, is important to us and we work with a range of partners, including Canterbury City Council, Medway Council, Kent Police, and the Students’ Union, to support you.
As a community, we expect respect and do not tolerate discrimination, bullying, or harassment of any form.
Your first port of call if you have any safety concerns is our friendly campus Security team. They’re on duty 24 hours a day, 365 days a year if you have an emergency or any questions. For your peace of mind and wellbeing, our Security team is fully qualified in first aid, along with fire safety training to support the safe evacuation of buildings when a fire alarm has been activated.
Our campus is a safe place, but if you feel unsure or are concerned, you can contact Security via the SafeZone App. They can then ensure your safety via CCTV cameras and where possible may be able to physically accompany students safely across the site. They can also offer remote support for when you are in the city on designated connected routes.
SafeZone is your free safety app while at CCCU. You can use it to alert the Security team via your mobile phone if you need urgent assistance, first aid, or if you have an emergency on campus.
The system is privacy protected, so it will never share your location unless you request assistance or use the check-in function. This also means the app won’t drain your mobile phone battery.
SafeZone has three main buttons for requesting security assistance:
Don’t worry if you press a button in error, you can easily cancel the alert by tapping the button again while the timer is winding down.
The check-in function allows you to let Security know where you are if you’re working alone or outside of normal working hours.
You also have the ability to report any issues anonymously (such as noisy parties in accommodation) or suspicious behaviour on campus.
SafeZone is simple to use and free to download:
Once you’ve downloaded the SafeZone App, you need to sign up using your University email.
Our campus is a safe place, but if you feel unsure or are concerned, you can contact Security via the SafeZone App. They can then ensure your safety via CCTV cameras and where possible may be able to physically accompany students safely across the site. They can also offer remote support for when you are in the city on designated connected routes.
The Lounge at St George’s Centre is accredited by the Canterbury Best Bar None scheme which assesses venues against four themes - venue management, staff training and care, customer safety, and welfare and customer service.
A Best Bar None venue will have trained staff to assist you if you ever feel uncomfortable in a situation within their premises. Just approach any member of staff and “Ask for Angela”. This is a code word to alert staff that you need support, and they will take care of you.
Together working with University of Kent and the Students’ Unions, we have identified connected routes in Canterbury City Centre which are well lit or covered by CCTV for students to use.
These connected routes are now covered by the SafeZone App which means students on a connected route can activate the app if they are feeling concerned or unsafe, to get remote support from either the University of Kent or CCCU security.
In addition, as part of the connected routes, 12 locations have been identified as safety refuge points where students can request help and advice if they are feeling unsafe or in danger.
In partnership with the University of Kent, we have the Canterbury Street Marshals, who are here to help you get home safely on your nights out.
The Street Marshals cover key areas across Canterbury, including:
Partners in Canterbury have a zero tolerance to discrimination and harassment in the city.
Kent Police, Canterbury Bid, and the City Council are working with night-time venues to secure Best Bar None accreditation. The accreditation assesses security measures, how well the venue takes care of its customers ,and recognises those businesses that work hard to provide a warm welcome to their customers and the communities they are part of.
Staff at these premises will have had Zero Tolerance training in how to tackle harassment and unacceptable behaviour including spiking. They will operate the Ask Angela scheme, which encourages people to discreetly ask for help by going to the bar to 'Ask for Angela' - a phrase aimed at asking bar staff for help with defusing a situation.
Drink spiking is addressed at accredited venues with drink testing strips and glass toppers to increase safety, along with staff training on how to support you.
Canterbury Christ Church University, the University of Kent, and the University of Creative Arts in Canterbury, have been working collaboratively with key partners including Kent Police, Canterbury City Council, and Canterbury BID to tackle spiking in our communities.
We want to make it clear that spiking is never the fault of the victim, it is always the fault of the perpetrator. Drink spiking is a criminal offence, and we are committed to working together to keep our students safe.
Kent Police have worked with key licenced trade venues to ensure that all reports of spiking are reported to the police so that appropriate action can be taken. Venues have also been taking measures to protect their customers including reviewing or establishing spiking policies, testing empty glasses, providing drink coverings, and increasing searches before entry.
We take reports of spiking very seriously and provide support for any students who have witnessed or experienced spiking.
What is spiking?
‘Spiking’ is when someone puts alcohol or drugs into another person’s drink or their body without their knowledge and/or consent. Spiking is a serious criminal offence carrying a maximum sentence of ten years in prison in England and Wales.
What does spiking look like?
There are many different substances that can be used to spike, from alcohol to a range of drugs. Whilst there are some indications that a drink may have been spiked, often this is not the case. If in doubt talk to the bar staff at the venue; however, some tell-tale signs may include:
Indications that you may have been spiked include:
You’re thinking of spiking someone’s drink, you should know:
Whilst spiking is always the fault of the perpetrator, there are steps you can take to stay safe:
What to do if you or a friend think you may have been spiked:
Inside a venue:
If you have left the venue or are at home:
If you have been affected by spiking recently or in the past, you can access confidential support through Report and Support.
To find out more about drink spiking visit the Drinkaware website.
The Safe Taxi scheme can help you if you feel vulnerable and need to quickly and safely reach your accommodation in Canterbury or another destination, such as a police station or local hospital.
By registering for the scheme, you can request a taxi from Longleys Private Hire, even if you don’t have the funds to pay the fare at the time of booking. You just settle the fare within seven days using the CCCU online store.
It’s free, quick, and simple to sign up to the scheme and you’ll have peace of mind knowing that if you’re in an emergency situation, you’re covered. Register now for the Safe Taxi scheme.
Please use the subways and designated crossings to get to and from Canterbury City Centre to Augustine House, Petros Court, or St George's. The subways are permanently monitored by Canterbury City Council CCTV control centre.
It is unsafe to try and cross the busy dual carriage ring road and could result in an accident being caused.
In the event you become the victim of theft, it is important to have the necessary contacts to hand. In any emergency situation, contact the police on 999. When an emergency response is not required, call 101 to report the theft. This can be used in circumstances such as bike theft. If you’re unsure whether or not police assistance is needed, contact your University’Security Team. They will be able to assess the situation and get you the necessary support.
We have Social Media Guidelines to help protect and support students who contribute to and engage with social media.
While we do everything we can to protect your data and university systems, it’s important to remember that cybersecurity is everyone’s responsibility. You should never share your password with anyone, and if you have any concerns that an email may be suspicious, please report it to the i-zone.
Take a look at how we are committed to providing a safe digital environment for all.
Money mules are people who act as intermediaries receiving and moving money for criminals and criminal organisations.
Around six in ten money mules are under the age of 30 and most are recruited between the ages of 17 and 24. Many criminals target their recruitment of money mules at universities or colleges – either online, in person, or via friends and family.
f you’ve been the victim of a crime, or think you’ve witnessed one, you should report it to the police straight away. Your information could be used to prevent other crimes and help keep other people safe.
In an emergency always dial 999.
If you’d like support in reporting a crime to the police, you can contact the University’s Community Liaison Manager at
We appreciate that being a witness or victim of crime can be distressing, and our Student Wellbeing Services are here to support you.
Other national and local charities can also support you:
If on campus you can report to the University Security on 01227 922355 or via the Safezone App.
If you want to report a minor crime, such as a stolen mobile phone, you should go to your nearest police station or call 101.
Go to the Police UK website for further information.
If you’d like support in reporting a crime to the police, you can contact the University’s Community Liaison Manager at
The University is committed to ensuring a safe, compassionate, and inclusive working and learning environment for all members of the University Community. If you’ve witnessed or experienced bullying or harassment, including online, we’re here to support you.
Use Report + Support to confidentially report incidents of bullying, harassment, discrimination, domestic abuse, and sexual violence. In making a report, our Student Support Advisers can provide you with the guidance and support you need to make informed decisions and put you in control of what happens next.
There is no specific intelligence to say universities are being targeted and the chances of being caught up in a terrorist incident or weapons attacks are still low. But sadly we have seen lethal assaults carried out by people with a variety of deadly motives. So it is important everyone stays alert and knows what to do if the worst was to happen.
We recommend that you follow the simple Counter Terrorism Policing advice of run, hide and tell.
The Canterbury Community Safety Partnership brings together a wide range of agencies who work collaboratively to keep crime low, prevent anti-social behaviour, and ensure the district is a safe place for residents, businesses, and visitors.
I am proud to say I am part of the Night Security Team. In a nutshell….We are the first port of call in any and every eventuality whilst the rest of the University sleeps. We also ensure your safety and wellbeing whilst in our accommodation. Whether you need a helping hand after a night on the town, a simple sticky plaster, or someone to talk to when you’re just not feeling okay, we are always here and happy to listen. If you’ve flooded your bathroom, triggered the fire alarm, locked yourself out, or your TV’s broken, pop in and see the Night Security Team. We will do our best to advise, support, help, or signpost. I love my job, simply because every year we make a difference to students' lives.Kik JanesSecurity Caretaker