We want you to stay safe and well and to know where to go for support when you need it.

If, like most students, you spend more weeks of the year at your university address than your family’s address, you need to register with a GP near to you.

Have you got your vaccines?

The best protection for yourself and others is to make sure you have your vaccines if eligible. We know most students will have had these vaccinations but it is worth checking:



Please follow the latest government advice and guidelines.

As we learn to live safely with COVID, our priority remains the health and wellbeing of our students and staff.  While legal restrictions may be coming to an end, we are encouraging students to continue to consider others and act responsibly to protect the welfare of our Christ Church and wider community. 

  • If you have symptoms of a respiratory infection, such as COVID-19, and you have a high temperature or do not feel well enough to carry out normal activities, it is recommended that you stay at home, do not come to campus, and avoid contact with other people, until you no longer have a high temperature (if you had one) or until you no longer feel unwell.
  • Regularly wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water, or use the hand sanitiser dispensers located throughout campus
  • Use cleaning wipes to clean your working area and equipment before and after use
  • Consider wearing a face covering in enclosed busy areas
  • Plenty of fresh air helps to reduce transmission of airborne illnesses – open windows where you can and consider bringing extra layers of warm clothing to wear so windows can stay open as much as possible.

What to do if you receive a positive COVID-19 test

If you receive a positive COVID-19 test result, it is recommended that you stay at home and avoid contact with other people for 5 days after you took your test – many people with COVID-19 will no longer be infectious to others after 5 days.

As with any other illness let your course team or placement provider know so they can support you.

There are a range of online study resources you can access if you have to study from home including your digital library and the Learning Skills Hub.

Mpox (previously known as monkeypox) is a rare infection most commonly found in west or central Africa. There has recently been an increase in cases, but the risk of catching it is low.

It is usually a mild self-limiting illness, spread by very close contact with someone with mpox and most people recover within a few weeks.

You're extremely unlikely to have mpox if you have not been in close contact (such as touching their skin or sharing towels, clothes or bedding) with someone who has mpox or has mpox symptoms or you have not recently travelled to west or central Africa.  Currently most cases have been in men who are gay, bisexual or have sex with other men, so it's particularly important to be aware of the symptoms if you're in these groups.


The first symptoms of mpox include:

  • a high temperature
  • a headache
  • muscle aches
  • backache
  • swollen glands
  • shivering (chills)
  • exhaustion
  • joint pain
  • A rash usually appears 1 to 5 days after the first symptoms. T

If you think you have mpox symptoms – however mild:

  • Contact NHS 111 or call a sexual health clinic immediately. Your call will be treated sensitively and confidentially.
  • Avoid close personal or sexual contact with others until you know that this is not mpox.

Please contact clinics ahead of your visit and avoid close contact with others until you have been seen by a clinician. Your call or discussion will be treated sensitively and confidentially.


Students can be at a higher risk of infection because they tend to live in close contact in shared accommodation, such as university halls of residence.

It’s a good idea to understand the symptoms of meningitis, mumps, measles or glandular fever via the NHS website  so you know when you might need further medical help.

If you’re under 25 and haven’t had your Men ACWY vaccine, we recommend you contact your GP and ask for the vaccine.

Meningococcal disease

Meningitis and septicaemia can develop suddenly and progress very quickly and can killor leave people with life-changing disabilities and health problems. Meningococcal disease can be difficult to diagnose because it has been associated with other symptoms or diseases, such as severe diarrhoea, fever and vomiting. Symptoms of meningitis and septicaemia include: fever and/or vomiting, breathing fast /breathlessness, aching/painful muscles, joints and limbs, seizures, pale or mottled skin, a stiff neck, severe headache, avoiding bright light, very sleepy/ vacant/ difficult to wake, confusion /feeling delirious, and/or a blotchy rash which can be anywhere on the body that doesn’t fade when a glass is rolled over it. Symptoms vary and can occur in any order. Not everyone gets every symptom.The MenACWY vaccine is available free to any student who has not already had the vaccine up until their 25th birthday. This includes international students. The vaccine protects against 4 common causes of meningococcal disease– MenA, MenC, MenW and MenY but not other forms, like MenB.Higher education students, particularly freshers, are known to be at increased risk of meningococcal meningitis and septicaemia. Being in confined environments with close contact, such as university halls, hostels when travelling, or attending festivals, increases the chances of infection if unprotected. If you suspect meningitis or septicaemia getting immediate medical treatment can be life-saving. Dial 999 without delay in a medical emergency.


Measles is very infectious, it can cause serious complications and, in rare cases, can be fatal. Measles can be more severe in young people and adults, often leading to hospital admissions. Measles starts with cold-like symptoms and sore red eyes followed by a high temperature and ared-brown blotchy rash. If you experience these symptoms, call NHS 111.

The best way to protect yourself against measles is to have 2 doses of the MMR vaccine. It is never too late to get the vaccine. There are no risks to your health if you get an extra dose. Young people are strongly advised to check if they have the MMR vaccine. They can check if they have had 2 doses of the vaccine with your GP practice and arrange a catch-up now if necessary. If a student suspects they have measles they should stay away from others for at least 4 days after the rash has appeared. Students should call NHS 111 if they think they might have measles or have been in contact with someone who has had it.


Mumps was circulating in the UK, particularly among 15 to 25-year-olds before the COVID-19 pandemic hit.Mumps is a contagious viral infection that can cause painful symptoms. Mumps is usually recognised by the painful swellings at the side of the face under the ears. However, more general symptoms often develop a few days before the face swells. These can include:

  • earache
  • joint pain
  • feeling sick
  • dry mouth
  • mild abdominal pain
  • feeling tired
  • loss of appetite
  • a high temperature(fever) of 38°C(100.4°F), or above

Mumps can lead to the swelling of the testicles and swelling of the ovaries in the HEI age group and rarely can cause meningitis and deafness. The best way to protect against mumps is to have 2 doses of the MMR vaccine. It is never too late to get the vaccine. There are no risks to health if an extra dose is given. Anyone with symptoms should stay away from others and stay at home and not return to university until 5 days after the swelling starts. If a student becomes worried about any symptoms, they should contact NHS111 or their General Practice. In a medical emergency telephone 999. Young people are strongly advised to check if they had the MMR vaccine. They should check if they have had 2 doses of the vaccine with their parents/ guardians and GP practice and arrange a catch up now if necessary. Students should call NHS 111 if they think they might have mumps or have been in contact with someone who has had it.

Sexual health is the ability to enjoy and express your sexuality and to do so free from risk of sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancy, coercion, violence and discrimination.

There are a range of free and confidential sexual health services available in Kent and Medway regardless of your age, gender or sexual orientation. Clinics offer free help with contraception and contraceptive advice; testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections and general sexual health advice.

  • Gate clinic (Canterbury) provides sexual health screening by appointment only. To book contact 0300 790 0245 (within working hours).
  • Clover Street (Medway) provides sexual health screening by appointment only. To book contact 0300 123 1678 (within working hours).
  • National Sexual Health Helpline can be contacted on 0300 123 7123 for medical or sexual health advice provided by The Department of Health and Social Care.
  • Metro Sexual Health provides advocacy and advice. You can also request free condoms and other contraception.
  • Online STI testing service is a service through which you can order a screening kit to be sent to your UK address.

Check out the Students’ Union information about consent which covers what consent is, sexual health, contraception and healthy relationships.

If you have witnessed, been impacted by or experienced sexual violence, sexual harassment or relationship abuse we are here to support you.

  • In an emergency - if you are in immediate danger or need to report a crime you should always call 999.
  • If it is not an emergency, you can contact University Security on 01227 782111 or through the Safezone App. 
  • All students can report an incident with contact details to receive confidential advice via our online report+support or they can report anonymously to help raise awareness of any issues affecting our students.  
  • Through a partnership with both East Kent Rape Crisis Centre and Rising Sun Domestic Violence and Abuse Service we can offer specialist support for survivors of sexual violence or domestic abuse. Email report.support@canterbury.ac.uk for more information – all contact will remain confidential.

It’s important to be aware of the dangers around drug and alcohol misuse and where to find advice if you need help. There is the following support:


We want to make it clear that spiking is never the fault of the victim, it is always the fault of the perpetrator. Drink spiking is a criminal offence, and we are committed to working together to keep our students safe. We take reports of spiking very seriously and provide support for any students who have witnessed or experienced spiking. 

If you have been affected by spiking recently or in the past you can access confidential support through Report and Support.

To find out more about drink spiking visit the Drinkaware website. 



To be exempt from NHS charges, UK students who are 19 and over (full or part-time) must fill in an HC1 form. If you’re under 19 you need to prove your age and student status. Read about and access the NHS HC1 form.

If you need regular prescription items, consider registering for the electronic repeat dispensing service (ERD), as you’ll be able to collect from any pharmacy you nominate. This can be easily changed if you’re at home or at university when you need a further supply.

If you need first aid assistance, contact our Security team on 01227 922111.

You can also request their support via the Safezone App. SafeZone is your free safety app while at Christ Church. The app allows you to alert the security team via your mobile phone. if you ever need urgent assistance, first aid, or if you have an emergency on campus.

If you need to see a dentist, visit NHS Services where you can search for local dental practices.

For emergency dental support, contact Kent Dentaline on 01634 890300. Their normal opening hours are every evening 7pm-10.30pm plus weekends and bank holiday mornings 9.30am to 11am.

If you need assistance out-of-hours, first contact your surgery who’ll provide you with a recorded message and contact options for you to ring.

NHS 111 also provides out-of-hours medical services when your GP surgery is closed.

Please contact 999 to call an ambulance if it is a medical emergency. 

If you’re phoning from campus, please inform Security on 01227 922111 so they can direct the emergency services to you. 

Lucy meningitis film
Watch on YouTube

In this section

Readng a book
Helpful Books
The Wellbeing Team has worked with the Library to identify a range of books to help you manage your health and wellbeing through helpful reading.

Further information