Policies and Procedures

There are several policies that are implemented through Learning and Teaching Enhancement.  They are presented below. 

Module Evaluation

The University’s Learning and Teaching Strategy sets out our commitment to provide all students with an outstanding higher education experience.  Module evaluation is central to this, providing data on the effectiveness of our teaching, for our students. 

Find out more about Module Evaluation

Peer Observation and Review

Peer observation and review of teaching and learning offers academic staff the chance to engage formally and informally in dialogue about all aspects of the scholarship and practice of learning and teaching.

Details on Peer Observation and Review

Academic integrity

Academic Integrity is defined by the International Center for Academic Integrity as embodying six values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility and courage (ICAI, 2019). If these values are adhered to then assessment will be fair.

Find out more about Academic Integrity


Personal Academic Tutoring

There are many benefits to the learning experience for students who engage with their Personal Academic Tutor. It also provides academics with the opportunity to engage with all of their students to track their learning while at the University.

Improving the staff-student relationship

Timely Feedback

The Timely Feedback Policy is in place to ensure that the University provides a consistent and fair approach to the provision of feedback to assessments while providing adequate time for academics to complete their work.

Please see Marking Procedures


digital learning capture

The University supports an ‘inclusive curriculum’ approach that seeks to make learning resources available to all students rather than only to those with a registered disability and on an ad-hoc basis. The recording of lectures and other learning content is a valuable resource from which all students can benefit.

Download the DLC policy

Digital Code of Conduct

The Code aims to ensure that participants in any online event, such as webinar, online chat, etc. benefit from the activity, and are not subject to abuse or discrimination

Find out more about the Digital Code of Conduct

Anonymous Marking 

From 2023/24, the University is introducing Anonymous Marking for most assessments to be submitted via Turnitin and for some physical artifacts such as exams.

Find out more about Anonymous Marking here


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Last edited: 17/09/2024 14:19:00