Module Evaluation
Module evaluation questionnaires will be sent to all directly taught students for Advent semester 2024/25 via the Jisc survey platform. As part of this work, we are using a new set of ten questions aligned directly to the NSS and PTES. The questions cover a range of themes, including teaching, academic support, assessment and feedback, student voice, and learning resources. Module evaluation forms an important component of the student voice, and helps us to ensure that our modules, their assessments, and their resources are meeting the needs and expectations of our students. We aim to offer a centrally supported and centrally delivered set of evaluation questions via a digital system across all modules to allow comparative data analysis. This approach allows us to target support, identify areas of good practice, reduce the administrative workload for schools/faculties, and provide lead indicators ahead of the NSS/PTES.The new questions are:
Q1 |
How good are teaching staff at explaining things?Very good; Good; Not very good; Not at all good |
Q2 |
How easy is it to contact teaching staff for support when you needed to? Very easy; Easy; Not very easy; Not at all easy; n/a |
Q3 |
How clear is the marking criteria that is used to assess your work? Very clear; Clear; Not very clear; Not at all clear |
Q4 |
How clear were the assessment briefs you were given? Very clear; Clear; Not very clear; Not at all clear |
Q5 |
How well have the IT resources and facilities supported your learning?Very well; Well; Not very well; Not at all well |
Q6 |
How well have the library resources (e.g., books, online services and learning spaces) supported your learning?Very well; Well; Not very well; Not at all well |
Q7 |
To what extent do you get the right opportunities to give feedback on your module? To a large extent; To some extent; To a small extent; Not at all |
Q8 |
How well has your module developed your knowledge and skills that you think you will need for your future?To a large extent; To some extent; To a small extent; Not at all |
Q9 |
To what extent do you feel part of a community of staff and students? To a large extent; To some extent; To a small extent; Not at all |
Q10 |
How well organised is your module? Very well organised; Well organised; Not very well organised; Not at all well organised |
The module evaluation survey should be distributed to students in the last two teaching weeks of the semester/trimester:
• for Advent Semester (1), w/c 2/12/24
• for Easter Semester (2), w/c 22/04/25
• for Trinity Trimester (Trimester calendars), w/c 11/08/25
Module evaluation data will then be made available for colleagues to review in PowerBI (we will provide more information on how to access this in due course).