Learning and Teaching Conference 2018
Inclusive Practice in Higher Education – Wednesday 27th June 2018
This year’s Learning and Teaching Conference theme was inclusive practice in Higher Education. The event was opened by the Vice Chancellor and Senior Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education, Enhancement and Student Experience).

We were very pleased to welcome Dr Helen Barefoot and Nathan Ghann from Hertfordshire University as our keynote speakers, and their presentation on "No one can do everything, but everyone can do something – the journey to closing the attainment gap" triggered good questions and debates. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with delegates stating, for example, that it was "So thought-provoking and challenging" and “this has given us a lot of ideas for our Annual Programme Monitoring report”. You can look at their Powerpoint slide below
Learning & Teaching Conference 2018 - Keynote Presentation
The successes of our colleagues who had been awarded University Teaching Excellence Awards were presented with their certificates by Prof Helen James and HEA Fellowship awards were celebrated and presented by Nick Skeet, Advance HE Global Partnership Manager.
The keynote and celebrations were followed by 11 breakout sessions which covered a variety of reflections and examples of practice to help promote inclusivity in Higher Education.
The whole event was attended by 110 members of staff, students and collaborative partners. We have received feedback by 44 attendees which was overall very positive, with constructive criticism that we will attempt to take on board for the next Conference.
Below are illustrations of what people have taken away from the day.
"I have learnt more about this important area in Learning and Teaching."
"The event enabled staff to have the time to be reflective and think about not only their personal working practices but the university's practices as a whole."
"An opportunity to highlight good practice across the University, as this has given us lots of ideas for the next academic year."
“Thoughts about how to introduce more black role models to our programme”
“Emphasizing the networking aspect of the conference will enhance the attractiveness of the conference in the future”
“I think that students should have the chance to win awards at the conference because Teaching and Learning would not occur without student input.”

The Learning and Teaching conference planning team would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for making the conference such a success.
Other Learning and Teaching Conferences
Summer 2019, Summer 2020