
    Embark on a journey into the mind with an MSc Psychology Conversion course from Canterbury Christ Church University.  

    Whether you are aiming to pursue a career as a psychologist or seeking to understand more about the mind and its influence on behaviour and interactions, this Psychology Conversion degree will provide you the opportunity to investigate further into what interests you about this subject.  

    Accredited by the British Psychological Society (BPS), this course is designed with vocational training in mind, which will enable you to gain experience through an applied approach to research.  

    Upon completion of this Psychology's Conversion Master's degree, you will be eligible for Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership (GBC) of BPS, providing you with a stepping-stone into a career in psychology, either through postgraduate training or research.   

    What’s more, many of our academics have practitioner backgrounds, therefore bringing a wide range of expertise, with an applied approach to teaching. As you engage with the independent research project and undertake training in research methods and statistics, you will work closely with academics, allowing you to undergo postgraduate research in a sophisticated environment.  

    This Psychology Conversion course is specifically for students with a non-psychology background. If you are a Psychology graduate and would like to pursue postgraduate study, please visit our Applied Clinical Psychology course.

    Alternatively, if you are looking for ultimate flexibility, then you can complete this Psychology Conversion course online. To learn more please visit our dedicated MSc Psychology - Distance Learning course page.

    Why study MSc Psychology Conversion at CCCU?

    • Choose a postgraduate degree that’s accredited by BPS, highlighting our course quality.
    • Get involved with current research by the Psychology team, as well as embarking on your own research in your course.
    • Gain eligibility for Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership of BPS upon graduation.
    • Become a valued member of the Graduate College as a CCCU postgraduate student.

    The combination of modules I studied as part of the MSc Psychology has given me a strong foundation of psychology as a subject, whilst strengthening my knowledge and application of how to use research methods. As a result of completing the Masters in Psychology, I am aware of the benefits that psychological theories can have in changing society and how to use the knowledge I've gained to create new career opportunities.

    Nikki, MSc Psychology Conversion graduate

    Entry requirements

    An undergraduate degree in a subject other than psychology, or a non- accredited (combined / single honours) undergraduate degree that includes psychology of 2:1 or above.

    In accordance with BPS requirements for conversion courses, all applicants must hold an undergraduate degree. This includes a degree in a subject other than psychology, or a degree in psychology that has not been accredited. Since this conversion course comprises 180 credits, there is no requirement for previous study of psychology at L4 or above prior to entry to the programme.

    Applicants should hold an undergraduate degree in a subject other than psychology, or a non- accredited (combined / single honours) undergraduate degree that includes psychology of 2:1 or above. Applicants with grades lower than a 2:1 may also be considered. Suitability will be assessed by the Programme Director on a case by case basis, taking into account: academic performance, professional experience, personal statement and references.

    For more information on the IELTS (International English language Testing System) requirements for this course, please click here to visit our dedicated IELTs web page.

    The programme welcomes international students. International applicants who apply for Distance Learning must be resident outside the UK and will not be eligible to apply for a  Student Route Visa. 

    in any subject

    Module information

    Our MSc Psychology conversion course is accredited by the British Psychological Society. It is designed to develop your knowledge and understanding of the core areas of Psychology, as well as key skills in psychological methods and the application of theory to the real world. Over the course of the programme you will study 7 core modules of 20 credits and a final Dissertation (Research Project) module of 40 credits.

    Part-Time Route:

    * The following modules are undertaken in the first year of study on the part-time route: Psychology in Context, Social and Developmental Psychology, Cognitive and Biological Psychology, Personality and Individual Differences and Applying Psychology. These total 100 credits.

    ** The following modules are undertaken in the second year of study on the part-time route: Research in Psychology, Statistics and Data Analysis and the Research Project are undertaken in the second year of study. These total 80 credits.

    Core/optional modules

    How you’ll learn

    All staff who deliver the MSc Psychology course are experienced lecturers and research active academics. Some sessions may also involve and /or be led by practitioners and other key stakeholders (e.g., patient groups). This broad range of input provides you with an enriched perspective on the applications of psychology in the real-world.

    Teaching takes place over 2 days a week for full-time students (Wednesday and Thursday) and 1 day a week for part-time students (Wednesday in Year 1 and Thursday in Year 2). You will experience a variety of learning and teaching techniques, which will vary from module to module. These may include lectures, discussion sessions, workshops and hands-on research, as well as a substantial amount of self-directed study. You will also have scheduled tutorials with your Personal Academic Tutor and receive one-to-one support from an experienced supervisor when you begin your independent research project.

    As a guide, we recommend you dedicate around 30-35 hours per week to your studies for full-time students and between 15-20 hours per weeks for part-time students. This includes all independent and directed study (including on campus sessions) as well as assessment planning and preparation. This is an intensive course and we recommend the part-time route for applicants with significant commitments outside of their studies.

    Our enthusiastic psychology team will guide you in developing and understanding the core areas of psychology and show you the importance of psychological aspects in everyday life. They will help develop your academic skills, and provide you with knowledge and understanding of psychological concepts and approaches that you can apply in future careers and study.

    Dr James CaneDirector of Psychology

    How you’ll be assessed

    Our assessment strategy uses a number of formats designed to tap into the different skills you are expected to develop during your time with us, and may include objective assessments, essays, portfolios, practical reports, presentations, podcasts, and a final research project.

    Your future career

    Graduates from our programme have gone onto postgraduate training in psychology, for example, training in Clinical and Forensic Psychology, in addition to obtaining roles as assistant psychologists, psychological wellbeing practitioners, support workers, and intervention facilitators.

    Throughout the programme there were opportunities to learn about career pathways and to engage with psychologists working in the field.

    NaamiMSc Psychology graduate


    Government loans are available for some postgraduate Master’s courses. Loans are subject to both personal and course eligibility criteria.

    The rules around course eligibility mean that in some cases it may depend on how you are studying (full-time or part-time) as to whether you can apply for a postgraduate loan. To check whether your course is eligible, you can email the Student Fees Team or call 01227 923 456.

    Tuition fees for this course

      UK Overseas
    Full-time £9,545 £15,500
    Part-time £4,775 N/A

    20% Alumni Discount

    We offer alumni discounts on CCCU Postgraduate Taught, PGCE Primary and Secondary, and Master's by Research courses for eligible students.

    Find out if you're eligible for the discount.

    Important Information on Tuition Fees

    Tuition fees for all courses which last more than one academic year are payable on an annual basis, except where stated.

    There will be an annual inflationary increase in tuition fees for this course where the course lasts more than one academic year. For further information read the Tuition fee statements and continuing fee information.

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