Student Handbook Templates

These handbook templates help to ensure that students have essential and consistent information about their course and modules and are aware of sources of further information, advice and support.

Student course handbook

Students should be provided with one course handbook only, using the above template, for each course. Separate handbooks may be provided for modules and placements.

Student course handbook (collaborative)

First introduced in 2020/21, this is a slightly adapted version of the Student Course Handbook for use by collaborative partners.

It maintains the need for consistent information while recognising that there are some inevitable differences in the information provided to our students studying with a collaborative partner. It ensures that students are also provided with information regarding the local delivery arrangements.

Module handbook

First introduced in 2020/21, this handbook is to be given to students at the beginning of each module. It is intended to cover all the essential information that students are entitled to know at the beginning of a module.

It should be published by module leader/course administrator under “Module Information”  on each module Blackboard.

All modules are required to use this template from 2021/22 academic year onwards.

Approval process

New courses

For new courses, student course handbooks are to be presented to the course approval event for approval. The panel may set conditions and recommendations relating to the student course handbook. 

New collaborative courses

For new collaborative partnerships, the partner approval event must be provided with the student course handbook (collaborative partners). The panel may set conditions and recommendations relating to this.

Ongoing approval

All handbooks should be reviewed prior to each new cohort to ensure they remain fit-for-purpose. Where amendments are made to handbooks, the revised version of the handbook requires approval by the Head of School or their nominee prior to issue to students, via the Board of Study.

Ongoing approval (collaborative courses)

Validated provision - drafted by the Partner Course Director, who should liaise with the Academic Link Tutor (CCCU) during drafting. Submitted to Board of Study for approval. Copy provided to relevant CCCU partnership office (IPAD / UKPAU).

Franchised provision - adapted from the in-house student course handbook by the Partner Course Director, localised text checked by the Academic Link Tutor (CCCU), submitted to Board of Study for approval. Copy provided to relevant CCCU partnership office (IPAD / UKPAU)

Transnational provision - drafted by the Partner Course Director, checked by the Academic Link Tutor (CCCU), checked by the Senior Academic Link Tutor (CCCU), submitted to Board of Study for approval. The SALT (CCCU) should ensure continuity between courses within a partner/jurisdiction and mediate with the relevant Boards of Study to ensure consistency (the SALT may take advice from a bilingual Academic Link Tutor when in a language other than English). Student course handbooks for TNE partners will be saved on each TNE partners Teams site.

Your feedback

As always, we welcome your feedback so that we can continuously improve our practice for future versions of the templates. Please email


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Last edited: 23/05/2024 09:26:00