Christ Church Students’ Union is a charity run by students for students, providing support and representation for every student across all our campuses.
In becoming a student at Canterbury Christ Church University you are automatically a member of our Students’ Union.
As well as a chance to get involved, network with other students, and join a club or society, your membership to the Union gives you the opportunity to voice your opinions and shape the future of your university.
The Students' Union is run by students who are elected by students – and everyone can have their say.
There are three elected Student Leaders who work full-time to represent you and champion student causes.
The Union council includes black and minority ethnic, disabled, international, LGBT, transgender, mature, women and postgraduate officers to ensure a diverse student voice is heard and everyone has their say.
Molly, from the Students’ Union, shows how they support the CCCU student community. Find out more about our supportive communities and Expect Respect values via our new Expect Respect Welcome Module. Play your part in creating an inclusive environment for all!
The Student and University Partnership Agreement captures how the university and union work together on behalf of all students.
The University has a data-sharing agreement with Christ Church Students’ Union. This sets out how students’ personal information can be used and shared between the University and the Union.
The University agrees to the Students' Union constitution (which is called the Articles of Association) and the Students' Union Code of Practice, both of which are available below:
The University has a commitment to promoting the freedom of speech. It has agreed on a Code of Practice on the Freedom of Speech, which also includes the Students' Union. Check the advice on booking external speakers for events.
It is important that there are opportunities for you to share your views on the student experience and course of study.
Student Course representatives, often just referred to as 'Course Reps', act as a voice for the students on their course. They are elected by their fellow students, and get to participate in staff-student meetings known as student forums which normally take place once a semester/trimester.
At student forums, Course Reps feed back on the content and organisation of their course as well as wider students issues, to help improve the student experience. In-between meetings, course reps are expected to seek feedback from their peers to ensure they represent the majority view, and then to update their fellow students about any developments.
A student representative:
There are multiple benefits to being a student representative, including:
To find out more:
Coming to university isn’t just about getting qualifications. It’s also about having fun, trying something new, and making friends. Joining a Students' Union sports club or society is a great way to do this - no matter what year or stage of the university you’re at.