The University's mission is to pursue excellence in education and research.
The University welcomes feedback from its students to continually improve the student experience. There are several ways you can provide this feedback whether that is through your Personal Academic Tutor, Student Representation or Module Evaluations.
Students that are dissatisfied with an action or omission of the University’s teaching-related or service-related provision can inform the University through the appropriate Student Complaints Procedure.
The University defines a complaint as an expression of dissatisfaction by one or more students about the action or omission of the University’s teaching-related or service-related provision.
Students can raise concerns or express dissatisfaction without risk of disadvantage or recrimination.
The University aims to address and resolve concerns or complaints in a timely manner.
The Student Complaints Procedure outlines the University’s approach to addressing complaints raised by registered University students or recent graduates of the University in relation to the University’s teaching-related or service-related provision.
Most complaints can be resolved in a timely manner through early resolution. Early resolution encourages students to raise concerns early before escalating it to a Formal Complaint.
Below is an outline summary of the different stages of the Student Complaints Procedures.
Early Resolution is aimed at addressing concerns without the requirement of completing and submitting a Stage 1: Formal Complaint Form.
Any student can seek to resolve their concerns through Early Resolution. This can be raised with an appropriate member of University staff such as a Personal Academic Tutor, Course Director, Module Lead, Placement Supervisor or another member of staff from the area or the service the concern relates to.
Students can also contact The Early Resolution & Case Handling team via should they wish to speak to a member of staff who is independent of the matter being raised or for procedural advice. It is expected that Early Resolution will usually be completed in 10 working days from the date the concern was raised with the relevant team the concern relates to.
In addition to our Student Complaint Procedures, we offer a range of support to different students depending on the nature of your concern.
There is an Admissions Appeals and Complaints Procedure for Applicants. This is the relevant Procedure to follow for all applicants to a new course at Canterbury Christ Church University,
The Accommodation Complaints Procedure should be followed if you have a concern or complaint relating to University Accommodation.
In the first instance, should be contacted to see if a resolution can be reached. If no resolution is reached or you believe the resolution to be unsatisfactory, you can send a formal complaint to the Accommodation Office via the Accommodation Feedback and Complaints Form.
If the accommodation-related matter is about relationship issues between flatmates or neighbours, the student may wish to consider the Student Mediation Service as a positive way to find solutions and resolve disputes.
Students studying at a partner institution should read the Procedure for Dealing with Complaints at Partner Institutions. Partner Students will be required to submit a complaint to the Collaborative Institution in the first instance, using the Partner’s Complaints Procedure.
Where the responsibility and resolution rest solely with the University and it concludes that a part or the whole of a complaint requires investigation by the University, the Partner may refer the matter to the University.
Where the complaint is referred to the University by the Partner, the complaint will be considered under Stage 1 of the Student Complaint Procedure.
To make a Stage 1 Formal Complaint regarding service or teaching related provision(s) under the control of Canterbury Christ Church University, a complaint will need to be submitted using the Stage 1 Formal Complaint Form.
Concerns relating to placement provision or a student on placement may either fall under the remit of the University or the Placement Provider.
In the first instance, students are directed to raise their concerns with the appropriate member of staff or the Placement Supervisor. Students are expected to raise their concerns through the mechanism that exists within their Faculty or School. The student can also use the Placement Provider’s own complaints procedure.
Where the student is dissatisfied, the matter can be raised by submitting one of the following forms depending on how you are registered with CCCU:
If the concern relates to the administration or management of the Apprenticeship by the University, the Student Complaints Procedure applies.
Concerns relating to an Apprenticeship Training Provider are likely to fall under the remit of that Training Provider including matters related to working practices. The apprentice is expected to raise such concerns directly with the Apprenticeship Training Provider. The apprentice can also inform a relevant member of staff at the University of their intention to raise concerns with their Apprenticeship Training Provider.
The University fosters a community that strives to create a supportive and positive environment for all its members. As members of this community, students are expected to treat others with dignity, respect, compassion and courtesy.
Students are expected to act in accordance with the expectations and principles set out in the Expected Behaviours of Students and the Student Prevention of Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy.
We are here to support you during your time at CCCU and encourage all students, staff and visitors to report incidents of bullying, harassment, discrimination, domestic abuse and sexual violence via our online Report + Support tool. By making a confidential report, our Harassment and Sexual Violence Officer, can provide you with the guidance and support you need to make informed decisions and put you in control of what happens next.
The University seeks to address concerns raised by our neighbours and the wider community. The University has compiled a list of key community contacts to direct your concerns to the people most able to help.
If you need any further advice or support, please contact the Community Liaison Manager, who can advise on a number of community related issues and works with local residents and communities across our campus areas.
Anonymous complaints may be submitted via the Student Complaints Procedure.
Anonymous complaints will be used to provide statistical information to inform proactive and preventative work, or to allow the University to monitor concerns across the University’s teaching and service provision. Choosing to complain anonymously means the scope of the complaint is limited and therefore, may not be able to be investigated or responded to by the University.
There is a range of support and guidance available to students.
Collaborative partner students should access support at their own institution.
The University fosters a community that strives to create a supportive and positive environment for all its members. As members of this community, students are expected to treat others with dignity, respect, compassion and courtesy.
Students are expected to act in accordance with the expectations and principles set out in the Expected Behaviours of Students and the Student Prevention of Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy.
We are here to support you during your time at CCCU and encourage all students, staff and visitors to report incidents of bullying, harassment, discrimination, domestic abuse and sexual violence via our online Report + Support tool. By making a confidential report, our Harassment and Sexual Violence Officer, can provide you with the guidance and support you need to make informed decisions and put you in control of what happens next.