Read all the ways that you can gain work experience as a university student to set you up for a graduate job.

Why do we need work experience?

In today’s competitive job market, just having a degree on your CV doesn’t cut it anymore. There are tonnes of graduates looking for jobs every year, and in order for you to land the perfect graduate role, you have to stand out.

Incoming… work experience.

Work experience doesn’t have to be a two-week unpaid work placement like you did when you were in year 10. It can be so much more than that.

Here are five different ways that you can gain work experience at university.

1. Take a placement year

For some courses like Computer Forensics and Security, Marketing, and Business Management, you can take an extra year to get work experience at a company. This year would be between your second and third year, and would enable you to gain first-hand industry experience before completing your degree.

Gaining work experience through a placement year is a fantastic way to:

  • Put knowledge into practice in the workplace.
  • Learn new industry skills.
  • Gain experience in different areas of your chosen sector.

Taking a full year out of university will also teach you the life skills that every professional needs. From waking up early to make the 9am meeting to working within a team of highly skilled colleagues, taking a placement year will teach you how to navigate the world of work.

Read Katie’s experience during her placement year.

2. Give back and volunteer

Volunteering is an awesome way to gain work experience, and you’ll be able to give back to the community in some way.

You can volunteer in a range of sectors, from working in prisons to volunteering in schools. It’s a chance to gain experience in different professions, which can lead to a paid role – this is what happened to Charlene. Since starting her voluntary position at PACT, the charity offered her a paid role, which she took alongside her last year at uni. Read Charlene's volunteering story.

What’s more, at CCCU, you get rewarded for the hours you put in for your volunteering. So, the more you volunteer, the more rewards you could receive.

Not only can volunteering teach you new skills, but it shows prospective employers that you’re willing to work and learn, making you even more employable. And who knows? You might land yourself a job after it!

3. Get a part-time job

A popular choice for students, working part-time in a cafe, restaurant, or shop is a great way to gain work experience. Yes, it might not directly relate to your degree, but working with the general public will teach you a whole load of skills that you might never have had the opportunity to learn!

Some of the skills that you can acquire through working in the hospitality sector include:

  • Reading customers to give them what they want, which really helps your communication skills.
  • Working as a team – because this is pretty much essential in every job role these days!
  • Training the newbies – this really helps with leadership and teaching skills.
  • Taking responsibility for your time – juggling uni and work will enable you to manage your time and prioritise effectively.

So, never underestimate getting a part-time job at your local pub because you’ll be gaining skills that you’ll carry with you for life.

4. Find an internship

As a CCCU student, you’ll have access to our in-house recruitment agency Unitemps. Not only will you be able to find voluntary and part-time work, but you’ll be able to look for internships. And some of them might even be paid!

We’re also supporters of the amazing work that 10,000 Interns Foundation does. Each year, we encourage our students to apply for their 10,000 Black Interns programme and 10,000 Able Interns programme.

An internship is the perfect opportunity to gain work experience, learn new skills, and discover new areas of interest. So, be sure to get involved!

5. Join the SU

The SU isn’t just about joining societies for fun (even though that’s a great reason to join). There’s so much more you can do there. Whether you want to work on a voluntary basis in the office or become a student trustee, you can gain work experience through a range of voluntary roles at the Students’ Union.

What’s more, your society might organise trips and events, which could give you work experience directly related to your course or give you the opportunity to learn new skills in a new environment.

For example, members of the Humanitarian Medicine Society managed to raise a whopping £18,479 to help them go to Honduras to offer humanitarian aid to some of the most vulnerable people in the country.

Not only did they gain medical work experience, which complemented their medical degree quite nicely, but they learnt new skills, such as communication, building relationships with patients, and gaining confidence. Read student Emily’s story to find out more.


Gaining work experience is crucial for you to stand out from the crowd when it comes to finding a graduate job.

It might seem like a long way off, but getting prepared for life after uni is essential if you want to get the right graduate job and make the most out of all the opportunities at uni.

Find out more about our Career and Enterprise Hub to see what you can have access to as a student at CCCU.