Read what to do on a university Open Day so you can make the most out of your visit.

Whether you’re going to an Open Day or an Answers Day, there are a few things that we recommend you do during your visit.

Visiting a university can seem quite overwhelming. Surrounded by a new setting, you might forget everything you had planned to ask and check out

So, here’s a checklist of what you should do on a university Open Day.

1. Get your questions ready.

You most probably have tonnes of questions to ask! Whether you want to ask lecturers about the course material or need clarification on student finance, an Open Day is the perfect time to get all your answers (that’s why we call our days Answers Days – see what we did there?).

To make sure that you don’t forget any of your questions, we recommend you write them all down. That way, you’ll leave with all the answers you need to make your decision for which uni you want to go to.

2. Prioritise what you want to do and see.

There’re loads to do and see at an Open Day. Usually, when you come to visit our Canterbury Campus, there are:

  • Q&A panels
  • Subject talks
  • Live music
  • Accommodation and campus tours
  • Students’ Union visits
  • Free ice cream* (always a bonus).

To make sure that you do what you absolutely need to do on your visit, make a plan before you go.

You might be eager to speak to students to get their perspectives on the university itself. Or you might need to find out about employability opportunities that the uni offer.

Also, remember to go to the right campus! Some universities have multiple campuses in different areas, so make sure you know where you’re going.

Whatever you need to find out, prioritise what you need to see and do on the day to ensure that you get the most out of your visit.

3. Go on a tour.

An Open Day is the perfect opportunity to tour campus and the student accommodation.

Exploring the campus is usually where you’ll begin to understand the feeling of being a student seeing yourself being a part of that university. So, take advantage of an Open Day and take a tour.

We always recommend that you also take some time to explore the surrounding areas.

We’re lucky that our Canterbury Campus is just a few minutes’ walk from the high street, so it’s not too far for you to walk into the city centre.

What’s more, our city is a UNESCO World Heritage site, and if you become a CCCU student, then you’ll graduate in the Canterbury Cathedral – so, if you have time, take a wander around the city to see where you’ll be living.

4. Check out the SU.

The Students’ Union is an important part of student life. It’s where you can be involved in societies, make friends, and really make a difference for students around the university.

It’s run by students, for students. If you want your voice to be heard, then the SU is there to support you in what you want to do during your time as a student.

You’ll also find support and advice at your SU and find out other opportunities like employment and volunteering.

So, take some time meeting the Students’ Union to see if they’re the right fit for you.

5. See the facilities that you’ll be using for your course.

Another important aspect of going to an Open Day is visiting the facilities that are connected to your course.

If you’re studying engineering, then you might want to check to see if their Makerspace and Labs are modern and meet the latest industry needs. Using state-of-the-art equipment and facilities for your course will teach you essential skills that you’ll take into the workplace. And if the uni doesn’t have access to this specialist equipment, then this might not be a great sign.

Also check to see when you’ll have access to using these facilities first-hand. Some universities don’t let you use specialist equipment until year 3, but at CCCU, you’ll have access to facilities and equipment from the first week of your course, and you’ll be able to use certain equipment for your own projects outside of uni hours.

If you’re studying a subject such as History or English Literature, then you should check out the library because you might be spending quite a few hours there as a student!

Check to see if the library has all the resources available – books, journals, online research platforms etc.

And check to see if you’ll be able to study at the library – does it have silent areas for example? Or does it have a café where you can relax and grab a coffee during a study break?

Whatever course you want to study, visit the areas of the uni where you’ll be learning, whatever that might look like for you.

6. Enjoy the day!

Remember, Open Days are a chance for you to get a feel for the university. It’s not a day where you’ll be interviewed, so you won’t have to worry about any anxiety that comes with that.

It’s a day for you to chat to lecturers, staff, and other applicants. It’s a day for you to find out about the uni itself and the surrounding areas. And most importantly, it’s a day for you to see if you could spend the next three years there.

So, take an Open Day as an opportunity for you to explore!


Now that you know how to confidently tackle an Open Day, come and visit us at CCCU. Our next Open Days are: 

Book now via the links. We'll see you there!


*subject to availability