Five reasons Clearing could be for you
25 Mar 2024
Over 38,000 students were accepted into university through Clearing in 2023. Yet, there's still some confusion with what this process offers. Find out how Clearing can give you the opportunity to own your story.
Clearing can be a lifeline for many students, whether it’s a change of circumstance, a change of mind, or things just don’t go as you had planned.
But Clearing can also be a great opportunity to take control of your future. Whether you're a mind changer or you've decided to apply for the first time, Clearing is a fantastic way to own your story and start your academic journey.
Here are five examples of the reasons why some of our students applied through Clearing.
Although you may feel disappointed if you don’t achieve the grades required for your original university choice, don’t let this deter you from going to university altogether. You can find similar courses through Clearing, and chances are you'll find yourself happier with your new choice.
Real story: Amber joined us through Clearing after not gaining the grades she needed to secure her original course choice. It was a rollercoaster of emotions, but one she's now grateful for.
Applying for university can feel overwhelming. There are thousands of courses to choose from and so much pressure to make the right choice. But if you change your mind after applying to university the traditional way, Clearing might be for you.
Real story: David was torn between staying on at college or progressing onto a university degree. Attending the Clearing Open Day at CCCU gave him the confidence to make the decision to change course and become independent, living away at university.
Since applying for university, you may change your mind about where exactly you want to live for the next three years.
Location is a huge factor when applying to university. After all, you want to live the full student life whilst being surrounded by beautiful green spaces and great architecture. Loving where you study will enrich your student experience even more!
Real story: When Hayley didn't get the grades she needed for her original university choice, it led her to move to Canterbury. Not only did this mean that she was less than hour from London, but she moved to a UNESCO World Heritage Site. For her, it was meant to be.
Many students who apply through Clearing are mature students who have already started working but have decided to change the career path they’re on.
Because of this career change, it may feel difficult to fulfil entry requirements. But applying through Clearing can help you get onto the course you want and fill in any gaps in qualifications through options like foundation years.
Real story: After years working in the same job, Cindi decided it was time for a change. She gained the courage to apply, made an application to CCCU, and hasn't looked back since.
Life has a habit of never going to plan (just look at 2020). If your original life plans have suddenly changed, you may feel unsure of where to turn to next. But going to university is still an option.
If you want to retrain or gain qualifications in your existing specialism, applying to university through Clearing can help get you back on track regardless of qualifications.
Real story: Harry had always wanted to join the marines. But when he got medically discharged, he had no qualifications and wasn’t sure which direction his life was going to go.
Thankfully, after finding out about Clearing at CCCU, he applied for a Sports and Exercise Science degree. He's now on his way to achieving a PhD.
If you need any information about Clearing, then don't hesitate to call 01227 926 000. Our team are on hand to answer any of your questions and to help you through the process.