Your digital footprint

Mapping your online engagement is a useful way of helping you to understand the extent of your digital footprint. White and Cornu (2011) identified two types of online participation: visitor and resident.  


Only use online tools for an end goal

  • booking a cinema or train ticket, 
  • ordering a new hoodie
  • applying for university.


  • Comfortable sharing online via social media platform
  • Having their own vlog
  • Share photos on pixabay

Watch this video and decide whether you are a visitor or a resident and then plot your engagement by dividing a piece of paper into the four quadrants illustrated below.

YouTube video player
Watch on YouTube
Visitors and Residents Mapping Activity
Divide a piece of A4 into four sections to map your digital footprint
White, D.S. & Le Cornu, A. (2011) Visitors and Residences: A new typology for online engagement. Available: (Accessed: 10 July 2020).