Your digital footprint

Managing your online presence is important. Even if you don’t actively post photos of yourself on social media, others might and you need to be clear about the boundaries you wish to establish around your private but also your professional life. Here are some top tips to maintaining a positive digital identity. 

  • Understand which spaces are public and which are private and curate your digital footprint to reflect this.
  • Post only those things publicly that you want others to see. This might include family, and friends, but also tutors and future employers. Remember your reputation is at stake.
  • Ignore negative tweets, un-tag yourself from photos you are not comfortable with, and keep critical comments to yourself. Avoid trolling other people and respect their opinions, even if they are not your own.
  • Build a positive reputation by starting a vlog, blog or website that showcases you and your interests. It doesn’t have to be related to your degree subject, but something which demonstrates your passion for a topic and also your digital skills to a future employer.
  • Remember to check the privacy settings of your social media sites. Don’t agree to anything that you feel uncomfortable with.
  • Regularly housekeep your content and maintain an interest in what others are saying about you. Google yourself and look at the results. Are they positive? If you don’t like what you see ask the site administrator to take it down.