Learning and Teaching Staff Development

LTE offer a range of opportunities to support you all in your role, to help you deliver an outstanding student experience, if your day-to-day activities involve teaching, student support, research, administration, leadership and management, or if you are a member of Professional Services staff, supporting learners in any way.

For those of you new to the University, and involved in teaching, it is mandatory to complete the Assessing at the University online course.  In addition to this you must register for the Effective Assessment and Feedback course via StaffLearn and follow the joining instructions.

Training on how to use our learning technologies is highly recommended if you are not already familiar with them.  Staff new to teaching in Higher Education should also complete a Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PGCAP). For those with experience in teaching and supporting learning in Higher Education, professional recognition is available through MAP:HE, our accredited pathway to HEA Fellowships.

We also offer support for individual and teams, through workshops and specialist services, to help you embed the University’s Learning and Teaching Strategy 2015-22 into your courses and activities.

All of our courses, accredited pathways and training sessions and documentation are mapped against the United Kingdom Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF), which provides a nationally recognised benchmark for higher education learning and teaching. 

You can find below more information about the LTE offer, with links to relevant pages and who to contact if you have additional queries.

 Led by: Learning and Teaching Enhancement team


Staff who want to: 1: raise their awareness/understanding of different types of academic misconduct and 2: identify and implement ways of designing academic misconduct out of assessments.


  • Identifying different types of academic misconduct: there are numerous kinds including copy paste, contract cheating, duplication, false referencing, collusion and patchwork plagiarism.
  • Using Turnitin with caution
  • Recognising different factors which can drive students to commit academic misconduct
  • Why contract cheating is particularly significant at this time
  • Designing academic misconduct out of assessments
  • Planning assessments
  • Potentially risky assessment types
  • Authentic assessment

The Recognising and Designing out Academic Misconduct Workshops will run across the academic year. You can find the dates and book a place via StaffLearn.

Led by: Learning and Teaching Enhancement team


Any staff involved in marking and assessing student work.


The purpose of this workshop is mainly to raise awareness of what contract cheating is and how essay mills work – particularly how they target students. It also covers ways in which we can support students to try and help them avoid turning to essay mills. This is partly by raising awareness of how essay mills can blackmail students, partly looking at strategies such as avoiding bunching of assessments/using authentic assessment and also guidance on what you can look out for if you suspect there may be contract cheating in an assessment. 


This is a one-off workshop although further ones can be delivered on request  

Places can be booked on StaffLearn.


Led by: Learning and Teaching Enhancement Team


The workshop is mandatory for all academic staff new to CCCU, even if they have taught in HE before.  It is for all academic staff involved in the design and marking of students’ assessments at all levels. 


  • University policies, regulations and procedures regarding assessment, examination and marking (completion of the online course Assessing at the University must be done prior to attending this session)
  • Inclusive assessment design and practices
  • Practical advice on best practice and new developments in assessment and feedback
  • Enhancing students’ assessment literacy
  • Supporting consistency and fairness in marking and feedback

The Effective Assessment and Feedback Workshops  run on a monthly basis. Dates can be found on StaffLearn, where you can also book your place.


Led by: Learning and Teaching Enhancement team


This course is for new academic staff with less than three years’ full-time experience, who fall into one or more of the following categories:

  • Part-time and sessional academic staff with a contract under 120 hours per annum and a minimum of 40 hours teaching per annum
  • Staff at partner institutions delivering HE work in one of the University’s validated courses
  • PhD students who are undertaking a minimum of 40 hours teaching per annum at the University
  • Professional Services staff supporting learning and teaching, student engagement and student support, with a minimum of 40 hours teaching per annum


This postgraduate qualification provides an introduction to academic practice, including:

  • Learning, teaching and assessment in HE
  • Quality Assurance in HE
  • Supporting learners in an inclusive environment
  • Developing critically reflective practice

The qualification carries 20 credits at level 7 and gives Associate Fellowship of the HEA.

For further information, check the UCAP page.


Led by Academic Professional Development team


This course is for all new Academic staff with less than three years’ full-time experience, who are on contracts of 120 of teaching hours per annum or more. The course is compulsory for those with less than one year experience teaching in HE in the UK.

The course is also open to Professional Services staff with a minimum of 100 hours teaching or supporting learning and teaching who wish to gain further skills, particularly in researching their practice.


This postgraduate qualification in learning and teaching provides a thorough grounding in the knowledge, skills and values required for delivering outstanding teaching, learning and assessment in Higher Education.

The modules are:

  • Introduction to Academic Practice
  • Enhancing Academic Practice
  • Pedagogic Research and Reflection.

The qualification carries 60 credits at level 7 and gives Fellowship of the HEA.

Please contact ucap_pgcap@canterbury.ac.uk to register interest and receive further details.

For further information, check the PGCAP page.


Led by MAP:HE Framework Director and Faculty Directors of Learning and Teaching


This framework is for staff in academic, research and professional services with more than three years’ experience in teaching or supporting learning in Higher Education who wish to develop themselves as HE teacher/practitioners and to gain HEA Fellowship (Associate, Fellowship or Senior Fellowship).


Achieving HEA Fellowship status gives formal recognition of your achievements in learning, teaching and enhancing the student experience in HE, in an academic, research or professional role.

You will reflect on your experience, and work with a mentor to develop a portfolio of evidence which meets the UK Professional Standard Framework (UKPSF). Your portfolio will be assessed at an internal Review Board (which meets on a monthly basis except during the summer).

Information sessions, writing workshops and retreats are available throughout the year.  You can book your place on StaffLearn.

Read more on the MAP:HE webpage

Led by Learning and Teaching Enhancement Team


This course is aimed at new lecturers or professional service staff who run development sessions for students.  This workshop is particularly recommended if you are not in a position to immediately enrol on to the University Certificate of Academic Practice/Post Graduate Certificate of Academic Practice.  This might be because you have commenced working at the University part way through the year or have limited teaching/student contact hours and would benefit from attending this course before undertaking a formal qualification and assessment.


A set of online resources are supported by an online interactive workshop for those new to teaching in HE or in UK HE or for those who would like a refresher before recommencing teaching: you’ll be doing some writing, presenting, role-play, pair-working through scenarios and discussing your own experiences as a learner as well as teaching concepts. The workshop does not require any prior experience of teaching in HE and the Learning Outcomes for the workshop are that by the time you've engaged with the resources and attended the webinar, you will each be able to:

  1. Analyse your own needs in preparation for teaching
  2. Plan a teaching session
  3. Create an effective learning environment
  4. Give constructive feedback to students on their work
  5. Evaluate and enhance your teaching in the light of reflection and feedback

You need to complete the preparatory tasks on the Blackboard Collaborate area which you'll be enrolled on after registering in advance of this workshop. 

Dates can be found on StaffLearn, where you can also book your place.

Led by Digital Academic Developer (DAD), formerly Faculty Learning Technologists (FLT) and Faculty Directors for Learning and Teaching/Senior Academic Developer


This workshop is offered to curriculum or module teams who are designing or revising their module or course.


Originally developed by University College London (UCL) it is a timed, facilitated workshop which enables a holistic view of the student journey through an appreciative enquiry model.  The design of the workshop encourages you to look through the lens of different types of learning and assessment activities.  It is particularly powerful at highlighting opportunities for blended learning. 

To see how the workshops run, please visit the UCL ABC Workshop blog.

The workshop can be tailored to your team needs depending on where you are in the process of reviewing or redesigning your module/course and whether you are pre or post validation stage.

To book an ABC workshop, please contact LTE Admin

If you are interested in finding out about the student peer mentoring service and how it can support you and your students please get in touch with the Peer Mentoring team.

Tel: 01227 921733
Email: peermentoring@canterbury.ac.uk.

This 90-minute face-to-face interactive workshop on 'Partners in Learning' is designed for staff looking to explore and extend the ways in which they work with students to enhance their students' learning experiences. After completing the online prep and face-to-face workshop you'll be able to:

  1. Define Partnership in Learning and identify real-world examples of PiL
  2. Describe the benefits and challenges of PiL that you view as most relevant in your context
  3. Identify appropriate areas of your own learning and teaching practice at CCCU where PiL could be piloted to enhance student engagement, satisfaction and success.

The workshop builds on the 60-mins of preparatory tasks available in the 'Partners in Learning' Blackboard area onto which you'll be enrolled upon signing up for this workshop. We ask that you complete the preparation before attending the workshop.

You can request an ad hoc session for your course team or your School by emailing LTE-ADMIN@canterbury.ac.uk

Led by: Learning Technology Skills Developer

Target Audience: All Staff

Brief Outline: This development session, delivered virtually, is designed for new academic staff, introduces the Blackboard interface and features. Looking at Base Navigation as well as the module site layout and functions. It will demonstrate how to upload, create, edit, copy, embed, move and delete content, as well as managing and communicating with your users. Scheduled workshop training can be booked via StaffLearn.


A number of additional workshops are available and can be booked via StaffLearn.

Led by: Learning Technology Skills Developer

Target Audience:

All Staff

Brief Outline:

This development session will introduce you to ReCap, the University’s Learning Capture tool.  ReCap can be used to enable learning and teaching content to be audio and video recorded. 

Scheduled workshops can be accessed via StaffLearn.


Simple Editing features, with the increase of ReCap usage this workshop will show you some of the basic built-in editing features allowing you to trim recordings, edit the auto captions as well as some more overlay tools.

Scheduled workshop training can be booked via StaffLearn.

Led by: Learning Technology Skills Developer


All staff in Academic Faculties


Introducing staff who are new to Turnitin to what Turnitin is and what CCCU policy requirements are. 

Learn how to edit / set-up Turnitin assignments in a consistent manner


To support the use of Turnitin, workshops covering the use of Feedback Studio, Assignment Managment and Assessment Grid Rubrics are also available

Scheduled workshop training can be booked via StaffLearn.

Other workshops are available to support courses - providing a digitally rich learning experience. These include:

  • Blackboard Ally: Ensure your Blackboard module site adheres to Accessibility Regulations
  • PebblePad: A personal learning space that can be used to create e-portfolio
  • Mentimeter: The web-based classroom response system
  • Padlet: Create boards, documents and webpages that are easy to read and contribute to.

All scheduled workshops can be booked via StaffLearn, or contact the Learning Technology Skills Developer LTechskills@canterbury.ac.uk for further information.

Led by: Learning Technology Skills Developer


All staff in Academic Faculties

Brief Outline:

Blackboard Collaborate Ultra (or simply Collaborate) is the University’s virtual classroom / web-conferencing tool.  It can be used for 1 to 1 tutorials, group work, seminars and more! 


Collaborate: Sharing Content.  
This online (small group) development session will provide a safe space to practice sharing your content, be it slides, videos, or synchronous engagement tools such as Mentimeter or Padlet.

Scheduled workshop training can be booked via StaffLearn.

A daily (Monday to Friday) Lunchtime Learning Surgery, delivered via Collaborate, is available to all staff between 1 & 2pm.  A member of the TEL and or SAD team will be on hand to answer any questions be they pedagogic or practical, relating to Learning and Teaching or any of the Learning Technology Tools.

In addition the Learning Technology Skills Developer can offer bespoke surgeries for 1:1 or small groups, please email: ltechskills@canterbury.ac.uk stating the topic of interest.

There are a number of resources, ‘How to’ guides, and support videos on all tools under the Learning Platform Suite available to all staff via the TEL Knowledge Base for Staff.

Led by: BAME Strategic Lead: Closing our Gap

Target Audience: All staff. We can design bespoke session for teams to support you in your own specific areas of development.

Brief outline:

  • To provide an awareness of race related issues in Higher Education and Society;
  • To provide space for staff/teams to reflect on what race means to them and to reflect on the impact of this in own practices
  • To provide staff with the tools, skills and resources to help facilitate difficult conversations about race and racism within the classroom in a safe manner;
  • To build foundations for inclusion, by working to create an understanding of the uniqueness and a sense of belonging for each individual;
  • To provide awareness of how to deal with race related harassment

 Dates can be found on StaffLearn, where you can also book your place.


Staff who are either new to teaching on Higher and Degree Apprenticeships or who are experienced but may want to refresh their academic practice


The session will cover: 

  • What is my role?
  • Useful teaching models and approaches
  • Using technology to enhance learning
  • Case studies
  • Advice from Course Directors

This is the only session currently planned but others can be offered on request. Please book a place via StaffLearn.


Led by: BAME Strategic Lead: Closing our Gap

Target Audience: All staff. We can design bespoke session for teams to support you in your own specific areas of development.

Brief outline:

  • Develop a critical understanding of their own subject positions, and the role of white privilege in UKHE
  • Build strategies for engaging with white and BAME students and colleagues in an atmosphere of respect in the classroom and throughout the University
  • Gain a foundation of knowledge in the area of critical race studies, especially critical whiteness studies
  • Gain insight into the global #BlackLivesMatter movement
  • Learn how to do the work of an ally to people of colour at CCCU and more widely

Dates can be found on StaffLearn, where you can also book your place.

Led by: BAME Stratetgic Lead: Closing our Gap

Target Audience: Academic staff and professional services staff who are seeking to develop their practice and approaches to improve student sense of belonging. We can design bespoke session for teams to support you in your own specific areas of development.

Brief outline:

  • How to plan classroom activities centred around race, racism and social justice and the implications of your own racial identity
  • Develop strategies to help facilitate, conduct and encourage race and social justice related conversations within the classroom environment
  • Develop techniques to cultivate and raise awareness of race in a safe environment for students and foster good relationships between white and BAME students
  • Develop practical skills and tools to guide students through productive conversations, challenge perceptions that raise awareness and understanding

Dates can be found on StaffLearn, where you can also book your place.

 Led by: BAME Strategic Lead: Closing our Gap

Target Audience: Academic staff

Brief outline:

  • Explore, challenge and dismantle assumptions about education, the curricula and own subject
  • Develop an understanding of why there is a need to decolonise and what decolonising the curriculum means to ensure that the diversity of all students is represented and celebrated
  • To explore and implement pedagogical strategies to create a diverse learning environment that is inclusive and accessible to the diversity of our students
  • Explore the diversity of content, delivery and opportunities to broaden perspectives
  • Explore learning outcomes and aligned assessment strategies which will allow students to reflect on and demonstrate their engagement with diverse perspectives and career aspirations 

Dates can be found on StaffLearn, where you can also book your place.

 Led by: Strategic Lead for Student Retention and Success/Senior Academic Developers

Target Audience: This workshop is for teams or individuals who are seeking to develop their practice and approaches to deliver an Inclusive Curriculum, including supporting students with Disabilities.  We can design bespoke sessions for teams to support you in your own specific areas of development.

This session can also be designed for leaders of teaching, learning and assessment.

Brief Outline:

The workshop will offer you the opportunity to:

  • Engage in an introductory conversation with other colleagues about this topic.
  • Consider the national and institutional contexts (using metrics where appropriate) 
  • Examine existing strategies and best practice sourced from research, sector practice and institutional cases studies connected to general inclusive practice to deliver learning, teaching and assessment, face to face or blended learning
  • Working with students with disabilities (LSP’s etc)
  • Supporting LGBTQ+ students
  • By the end of this session, you will have been introduced to practical learning, teaching and assessment focused resources for reflection and adoption post workshop, identified areas for development and created an action plan for improvement.

To book a team/course/leadership workshop, please contact LTE Admin

Individuals: Dates can be found on StaffLearn, where you can also book your place.


Led by: Strategic Lead for Student Retention and Success/Senior Academic Developers

Target Audience: This workshop is for teams or individuals who are seeking to develop their practice and approaches to improve student sense of belonging, retention and success.  We can design bespoke session for teams to support you in your own specific areas of development.

This session can also be designed for leaders of teaching, learning and assessment and tailored for professional service areas which are student facing.

Brief Outline:

The workshop will offer you the opportunity to:

  • Engage in an introductory conversation with other colleagues about this topic and identify current retention and success initiatives
  • Introduction to the University Retention and Success Framework and mapping activity
  • Consider the national and institutional contexts (using school metrics where appropriate) connected to retention and success rates.
  • Examine existing strategies and best practice sourced from research, sector practice and institutional cases studies.

By the end of this session you will have been introduced to practical tools and Learning, Teaching and Assessment focused resources for reflection and adoption post workshop, identified areas for development and created an action plan for improvement.

To book a team/course/leadership workshop, please contact LTE Admin

Individuals: Dates can be found on StaffLearn, where you can also book your place.

 Led by – Learning and Teaching Enhancement team

Target audience – This session is suitable for those new to the PAT role or who wish a refresher and wish to update their understanding of the PAT role in supporting student engagement, belonging, inclusion and attainment. 

Brief outline:

This session is suitable for those new to the PAT role or who wish a refresher and wish to update their understanding of the PAT role in supporting student engagement, belonging, inclusion and attainment.  

The session will include discussion around the role of the PAT in relation to best practice and our policies and procedures, how to structure PAT conversations across levels of learning, assess own skills and get support for using the personal academic tutoring guidance document. You will be given the opportunity to share experiences, consider the role and assess yourself against best practice markers. This should help you determine your development needs as well as share good practice with others.

This session can also be delivered as bespoke in course and school contexts and groups of PAT's working across similar subject areas would benefit from coming together to evolve consistency in approaches or where they may wish to understand how to support specific groups of students.

Dates can be found on StaffLearn, where you can also book your place.

To book a bespoke session, please contact LTE Admin

Led by - Senior Academic Developers

Brief outline:

By the end of this short interactive session, staff will be able to:

• Identify some common student frustrations about the blend of learning (at school/college/in HE) during 2020-present

• Plan collaborative classroom contracting that reassures students about what to expect and gives them the chance to make their on-campus learning meaningful and fulfilling for them

• Plan pair and group activities that support students to form in-person working relationships with their peers and that support formation of cohort identity beyond the classroom

• Be aware of and signpost students to on-campus resources which support their study skills, wellbeing, pursuit of career and personal progression to enhance a sense of belonging and community

Dates for this workshop are bookable on StaffLearn.

Led by - Senior Academic Developers

Brief outline: 

The most recent NSS scores highlight Organisation and Management as the area most in need of development at an institutional level at CCCU. While some elements of addressing this area sit beyond the powers of teaching staff, there is much that staff can do to manage student expectations and to keep communications and relationships with students positive, transparent and inclusive to address some of the key concerns that were highlighted in the free text comments. If this is an area that you would like to enhance in the coming year, come to the workshop for some practical tips and strategies to optimise communication, organization and management on your courses or modules.

Dates for this workshop are bookable on StaffLearn.

Led by - Digital Academic Developers

Target Audience - Course Teams

Brief Outline

LTE hosted a series of 30 minute online 'Sharing good practice in Blended Learning' sessions. We invited 2 academic members of staff to share the approaches and technologies they have used to support blended learning. This is a great opportunity to hear from academic staff and ask questions about their approaches.

You can access future sessions from the online Collaborate room 


Led by: Learning and Teaching Enhancement team

How can LTE help my team to develop Compassionate Pedagogy in our modules and courses?

LTE offers a workshop on themes discussed in the Compassionate Pedagogy guide; we will adjust the workshop to your course team’s priorities for groups of five-or-more staff.


Themes addressed could include but are not limited to:

  • developing academic resilience and growth mindset
  • embedding wellbeing in the content and processes of your curriculum
  • effective assessment and feedback design for learning and wellbeing
  • incorporating mindfulness into support of learning

You can request an ad hoc session for your course team or your School by emailing LTE-ADMIN@canterbury.ac.uk

There are also workshops bookable on StaffLearn.


Led by: Learning and Teaching Enhancement team


Staff who are either new to teaching on Higher and Degree Apprenticeships or who are experienced but may want to refresh their academic practice


The session will cover: 

  • What is my role?
  • Useful teaching models and approaches
  • Using technology to enhance learning
  • Case studies
  • Advice from Course Directors

This is the only session currently planned but others can be offered on request. Please book a place via StaffLearn.

How can LTE help my team to develop Compassionate Pedagogy in our modules and courses?

LTE offers a workshop on themes discussed in the Compassionate Pedagogy guide; we will adjust the workshop to your course team’s priorities for groups of five-or-more staff.



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Last edited: 11/02/2025 17:09:00