
Join our thriving international student community with Europe on your doorstep.

We have been welcoming students from Portugal to our campuses for many years. Students study across the full portfolio of our undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. 

We value students and partners from Portugal and would love to meet you on one of our upcoming trips.

If you are interested in making an application or want to discuss our services in more detail, please contact Admissions

Visits to your country

Our International Office makes regular visits to Portugal; providing a great opportunity for you to meet with Canterbury Christ Church University staff in person and to get information and advice on joining our international student community:

  • courses and entry requirements
  • how to make your application
  • tuition fees
  • accommodation options
  • living and studying in Canterbury.

English requirements

Canterbury Christ Church University accepts English from the Certificado de fim de Estudos Secundários with a minimum of 14.

Our representatives

If you are applying from Portugal, please contact our representatives to make your application.

AH&Z Associates Ltd

Contact: Zahirul Islam

Address1st & 2nd Floor, 131 Whitechapel Road, (Opposite of the East London Mosque) London E1 1DT

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7377 9630

Email: info@ahzassociates.co.uk

Website: http://www.ahzassociates.co.uk

Elizabeth School of London

Contact Jahidur Rahman

Address 118-119 Meridian Place, Canary Wharf, London E14 9FE 
+44207 0590 489

Email info@elizabethschool.com

Website http://www.elizabethschool.com

Integral Educational Programmes Ltd 

Ms Kristina Bozhilova 

99 Evlogi Georgiev Blvd, BG - 1142, Sofia 

Tel +359 2 8050629 

Email vesy@integral.bg 

Website www.integral.bg 

International Education Consultants 


Rua Latino Coelho 87, 050-134

Lisboa, Portugal 

Email portugal@iecformacion.com 

OK Estudante Lisboa

Address Rua Alexandre Herculand, No 2, 1 Dto 
1150-006 Lisboa 
Tel: +351 218 289 204
Web: www.okstudent.com

OK Estudante Leira

Address  Av. Combatentes Da Grande Guerra,
No 79, 1B, 
2400-123 Leira
Tel: +351 244 033 883
Web: www.okstudent.com  

OK Estudante Funchal

Address  Centro Comercial Europa - LJ26
Rua do Bom Jesus, 8 A 10
9050-028 Funchal
Tel: +351 291 098 099
Web: www.okstudent.com 

OK Estudante Setubal

Address  Rua Fran Pacheco, No 171,
2900-379 Setubal 
Tel: +351 265 095 400
Web: www.okstudent.com  

OK Estudante Coimbra

Address  Rua De Olivenca Nr11-3 Andar,
Sala 303, 3000-306 Coimbra 
Tel: +351 239 092 876
Web: www.okstudent.com  

OK Estudante Faro

Address  Rua Do Montepio, N 26, 1 Frente,
8000-300 Faro 
Tel: +351 289 823 648
Web: www.okstudent.com  

OK Estudante Porto

Address  Rua Alexandre Herculando,
N 341, 4 Andar Sala 14,
4000-055 Porto 
Tel: +351 227 661 195

OK Estudante Vila Real

Address  Rua Dom Antonio Valente Da Fonseca
No 17, 2 Esq 
5000-539 Vila Real 
Tel: +351 259 044 117
Web: www.okstudent.com  


Patricia Melro
Rua dos Foros De Amora n°179 r/esq
2845-003 Amora
Tel: +351 965062614
Email: info@studywing.org
Web: www.studywing.org 

Studies Planet.com Ltd

Address 8 Northumberland Avenue, London WC2N 5BY

Tel: +44 7956253150

Email: uk@studiesplanet.com

Website: www.studiesplanet.com/english

Chaucer College

Address: University Road, Canterbury Kent CT2 7LJ

Tel: +44 (0) 787800

Email: study@chaucercollege.co.uk

Website: www.chaucercollege.co.uk


Address Strada Semilunei 4-6, Bucuresti 020797 

Tel +40 31 8142920 

Email edmundo@educativa.ro

Website www.educativa.ro

Lion Heart Education Services Ltd

Contact: Derek Walker

Address 25 Cabot Square, London E14 4QA

Tel: 07589774468

Email: info@lionhearteducationservice.com

Website: www.lionhearteducationservice.com

SMS Higher Education Group trading under MRST UK Investment

Address 80-82 Nelson Street, London E1 2DY

Tel: +44 2072658478

Email: info@smsheg.co.uk

Website: www.smsheg.co.uk