If you're looking to enhance your career development, then the Career Development Fund can help cover costs such as travel and other funding.

Travel Fund

What do you get?

You will receive financial help with travel costs to events, work-related experiences, and self-found placements that will help with career development:

  • Up to £200 each year for travel within the UK
  • Up to £500 each year for travel abroad.

Please be aware that this bursary is not to be used to cover course-related costs.

Who is this for?

This is available to all undergraduate students who are undertaking work experience that is either unpaid or below minimum wage.

The placement will either be in a different location from the CCCU campus or outside of normal teaching time. You must not be receiving travel reimbursement from other sources.

How do you apply?

Before applying, it's advised that you book a 1-1 chat with our Careers and Enterprise team to discuss your application. This will help you with your application process. Once you've spoken with one of the team, simply submit this form to apply for the Career Development Fund - Travel Bursary.

Please include information of your career development opportunity and breakdown of costs.

You'll be asked to submit receipts and feedback after your experience.

What do you need to know?

You can only apply once for each academic year. You must evidence all travel costs in order to be reimbursed.

Find out more information about the Career Development Fund.

Read the full terms and conditions for the Career Development Fund.

Career Start Bursary

At CCCU, you are encouraged to develop your skills, ready for your graduate career. Awarded by the Career and Enterprise Hub, the Career Development Fund allows you to get involved in career development opportunities that will enhance your employability skillset.

Please be aware that this bursary is not to be used to cover course-related costs.

What do you get?

You will receive financial support for career development opportunities, including group and individual funding.

This can include buying suitable workwear, ad hoc childcare, specialist software, and money to attend a conference.

Who is this for?

This is available for undergraduate students only.

Individual funding must meet at least one of the following:

  • has a household income of up to £25,000 for full support or a household income of £25,000 - £42,875 for partial support
  • comes from an area with low participation to Higher Education
  • is a care leaver
  • is a carer
  • is declared as disabled
  • is from a Black or minority ethnic group
  • is a mature entrant (aged 21+ at the beginning of their course)
  • is estranged from their family
  • is from a gypsy and traveller community
  • is a refugee
  • is a child from a military family.

Group funding must:

  • consist of 3+ people
  • all study at CCCU at time of application and
  • at least one member must meet the individual eligible criteria.

How do you apply?

Before applying, it's advised that you book a 1-1 chat with our Careers and Enterprise team to discuss your application. This will help you with your application process.

Once you've spoken with one of the team, you can then fill out this form to apply for the Career Start bursary. You must supply a reference to support your application.

What do you need to know?

Please see full terms and conditions for the Career Start bursary.