Supervision for research at MA, MSc, MPhil or PhD level is available for projects relating to the subject area expertise of our staff in Education, Childhood and Youth Studies.

Research areas include:

  • Education
  • Childhood Studies
  • Youth Studies
  • Professional development of those in the education sector
  • Sustainability

Research area not listed?

We may be able to help or guide you further with a particular research subject area.

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Recently completed or current PhD student theses:

  • Exploration of how primary schools in England have developed, contextualised and interpreted the national curriculum
  • Navigating the red stamp: an exploration of the way inclusive education is conceptualized and implemented within local contexts in Vietnam
  • What impact does youth democracy in the UK have on local and national decision making and policy development?
  • How do parents perceive ‘Child to Parent Violence and Abuse’?
  • To what extent do films about education perpetuate or challenge capitalist society?
  • Investigating the professional identity of uniquely trained teachers of vocational curricula in post 14 institutions

Education Doctorate (EdD)

The Education Doctorate offers the advantages of working within a cohort of fellow researchers, while at the same time working on a substantial individual research thesis of your own.

Research supervisors

There are 20 supervisors specialising in this subject
