Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Key Stage 4, Key Stage 5, FE Level 2, FE Level 3
Min 10 - Max 30
4 hours
University Campus

Students get the opportunity to practise the essential techniques of plant identification and botanical drawing.

In this interactive interdisciplinary four-hour workshop with an academic and/or postgraduate ambassadors, students will develop their understanding of the methods and process of identifying plant species and critically consider the importance of correct identification for ecological and biodiversity surveys. Students will have opportunity to apply this knowledge as they work to identify a range of plants from across the campus. Following the application of their identification skills, students will develop their understanding of the historical role botantical and scientific drawing has played in the correct identification and recording of species diversity before attempting to create their own detailed botanical drawings.

Students get the opportunity to practise the essential techniques of plant identification and botanical drawing, of major importance in describing habitat ecology and biodiversity

*Please note due to the nature of this workshop it is a seasonal activity, please confirm that it is currently being offered before booking.

 Curriculum Links:

  • CIAG – Understanding the relevance of their science and other at Level 2 and 3 to future career paths in sciences
  • Biology (Key Stage 5/ level 3) – Genetic information, variation and relationships between organisms (Biodiversity with a community)
  • Geography (Key Stage 5/ level 3) – Ecosystems and sustainability
  • Art and Design (Key Stage 5/ level 3) – record experiences and observations; drawing for different purposes

Gatsby Benchmarks:

WORKSHOP: 1, 3, 4, 7

Taster Day: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7

Make it a Taster Day: Includes a campus tour and HE information talk. You can choose this when you complete the booking form.