Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Key Stage 4, Key Stage 5, FE Level 3
Min 10 - Max 30
2 hours or as part of a 4 hour campus taster day
University Campus or In your School or College

Students will work towards building their oracy skills and confidence through a one-hour ethical debate, dynamic dialogue, or Change Maker oracy session.

In this interactive workshop, students will first work with the SCE team and student ambassadors to build their oracy skills and confidence through a one-hour ethical debate, dynamic dialogue, or Change Maker oracy session. They will then take part in a two-hour session with an academic and/or Postgraduate ambassadors. Faced with the question of the importance of travel for social inclusion and the need to reduce travel to tackle climate change, students will develop their understanding of balancing competing demands when creating policy. Students will develop their critical thinking skills and be challenged to create a persuasive case for the “correct” solution.

Curriculum Links:

  • English Language (Key Stage 4/ Level 2) – Spoken Language Endorsement (NEA)
  • Sociology (Key Stage 4/ Level 2) – social stratification
  • Politics (Key Stage 4-5 / Level 2-3) – political ideas
  • Geography (Key Stage 5/ level 3) – Globalisation and Geopolitics
  • Religious Studies (Key Stage 5/ level 3) – ethical theories and meta-ethics
  • Sociology (Key Stage 5/ level 3) – global development

Gatsby Benchmarks:

Workshop: 1, 3, 4, 7

Taster Day: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7

Make it a Taster Day:

Includes a campus tour and HE information talk. You can choose this when you completing the booking form.