In this workshop, students will take a deep dive in to the issues of political integrity and morality.
In this interactive two-hour workshop with an academic and/or postgraduate ambassadors, students will take a deep dive in to the issues of political integrity and morality. Students will critically examine the issue of political morality through real-world case studies, thought experiments, and role-playing exercises. The central question at the heart of this workshop is the problem of dirty hands: the paradoxical insight that, in certain unenviable circumstances, democratic politicians might have to do something morally wrong for important political reasons.
Curriculum Links:
Gatsby Benchmarks:
Workshop: 1, 3, 4, 7
Taster Day: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7
Make it a Taster Day: Includes a campus tour and HE information talk. You can choose this when you completing the booking form.