The Sidney De Haan Research Centre for Arts and Health is committed to researching ways in which participation in creative and performing arts can contribute to and enhance health and wellbeing for individuals and communities.

Our work continues to make an internationally leading contribution to critical scholarship, research, and practice in the field of arts and health.

About us

Established in 2004, the Sidney De Haan Research Centre for Arts and Health has made major contributions to the development of the arts and health field in the UK and internationally, including in co-production, participatory research, practice-based research, social-prescribing, and knowledge exchange in health, social care, creative arts and industries and education contexts.

We examine social, artistic, health and wellbeing outcomes, using arts-based and participatory methods with different population groups.

We believe arts are for everybody and we explore access and participation in creative and performing arts activities and interventions, such as dance and movement, singing and music, applied theatre, drama, storytelling and digital arts.

We support workforce development to ensure high-quality and ‘healthy’ arts practices and artists.

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Displaying 1 - 6 of 17 results in Our research.

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Sidney de Haan Research Centre for Arts and Health