Right from the start we want to make sure that everyone, regardless of disability or differences, has what they need to reach their full potential.

At CCCU we’re proud of our compassionate, empowering and inclusive community where every member is valued, and where those with a disability or mental health condition encounter no prejudice or discrimination.

A disability might include:

  • Autism and ADHD
  • dyslexia, dyspraxia and other specific learning difference
  • mobility or sensory impairments
  • mental wellbeing need or mental health condition
  • unseen disabilities such as epilepsy, HIV, AIDS, and chronic fatigue

Register with our Student Wellbeing Team now

It's important to register with the Student Wellbeing Team as soon as possible before you arrive.

By registering with our Student Wellbeing Team before your studies start, we can ensure that any additional support you may need for your learning is put in place at the very beginning.

Our specialist disability and mental wellbeing support before you arrive includes:

  • providing information about Disabled Students' Allowances (DSAs) for additional specialist support in relation to disability
  • advising you on facilities and services that are available to use, including online support and productivity software
  • liaising with academic tutors to ensure you get the support you need
  • arranging practical support, such as special arrangements for exams and assessment, accommodation, and Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs)
  • developing a Learning Support Plan (LSP) that includes reasonable adjustments
  • a dedicated orientation session giving you a chance to feel familiar with university life and meet other students before the academic year starts

And much more than that, the team will help you settle in, meet others and become part of the CCCU community.

Apply for Disability Students' Allowances

The Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSAs) are UK government support funds for eligible students with physical and mental disabilities, including dyslexia and dyspraxia.

The funding provided by DSAs can help pay for extra essential costs you may incur as a direct result of your disability. This can include sign language interpreter support, study skills tutoring and support from specialist mentors, as well as computer equipment and assistive software.

Top Tip

The language we use at university can be different to what you may have been used to before.

SEN (Special Educational Needs)

At University this is referred to as a disability or learning difference.

Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP)

At CCCU we assess your needs and you may receive a Learning Support Plan or a Placement Learning Support Plan.

Additional Support Team

At CCCU these are called the Disability team and the Mental Wellbeing team

Get everything put in place as early as you can. Talk to the Disability team at the University and apply for the Disabled Students’ Allowance. Also, make sure that you have a Learning Support Plan in place. These plans are tailor-made to ensure that you’re supported throughout, and they really are invaluable. Another piece of advice I’d give is to really try to engage in the social aspect of university. Joining the Disabled Students Society is great because you’ll have a support system straight away.

ElsiePsychology student and the President of the Disabled Students Society