As we are a city-based university, on-campus parking is limited. However, there are some options for Medway and Tunbridge Wells. To be more sustainable and save money why not consider a car share


Parking on Canterbury Campus is limited, so we recommend cycling and walking using Public Transport and the Park and Ride Services as alternatives. Please make sure you read the Sustainable Travel Policy and Procedure.

Applying for a permit

Only students with a Blue Badge or a registered disability are permitted to apply for parking at the Canterbury Campus through the Student Car Parking Permit Application form. Your application will be confirmed by Student Wellbeing Services before it is authorised.

Once finalised, student permits will need to be collected from the relevant campus reception desk.

Medway and Tunbridge Wells

Student parking is only available at Medway Campus and for those students studying in Tunbridge Wells. In order to park on location, you will need to apply for a parking permit. Please make sure you read the Sustainable Travel Policy and Procedure before applying.

Applying for a permit

Students can apply for a Medway or Tunbridge Wells Campus parking permit through the Student Car Parking Permit Application form,  that can be used to park a car at one of the Christ Church car parks at the Medway and Tunbridge Wells campuses. However, it’s important to know that even with a permit, parking is on a first-come-first-served basis, so a permit does not guarantee a space.

Once finalised, student permits will need to be collected from the relevant campus reception desk.

Parking permit cancellation or changes to details

All students leaving the university or wishing to cancel their permit will need to complete the Cancellation of Parking Permit form and return it to their local campus reception for processing.

If you wish to change the car registration on your permit please email the details of the required change to the Facilities Helpdesk. If you lose your permit, please also contact Facilities Helpdesk for a replacement permit. However, there will be a £10 charge to replace lost or defaced permits.