We want to make sure that everyone, regardless of disability or differences, has what they need to reach their full potential at Canterbury Christ Church University.

To help you succeed, our specialist Disability Team can support and advise you if you’re facing (or potentially facing) disabling barriers to studying independently at university. This includes:

  • Students with a diagnosis of Autism
  • Dyslexia, dyspraxia and other specific learning difficulties
  • Mobility impairments
  • Sensory impairments
  • Unseen disabilities such as epilepsy, HIV, AIDS and chronic fatigue
  • Long-term health conditions

Get support from the Mental Wellbeing Team.

How to contact the Disability Team

You can contact the Disability Team at any point of your student journey - asking for help whenever you need it by:

The Disability Team also offer a range of face-to-face and online drop-ins:

Online daily drop-in via Blackboard

Student Disability Service
Face to Face drop-in

  • Monday to Friday in  Augustine House, AHg54 or 56, - 12:00-16:00
  • Tuesday in LG67, North Holmes Road - 12:00-14:00

*Term time only

You can also join the team at Chooseday Chill every Tuesday during term time from 5 - 7pm in Augustine House, or the Wellbeing Café every Thursday from 2 - 4.30pm in the Food Court at North Holmes Road, for an informal chat over tea and toast.

The Disability Team at the Uni is great. They help with a lot of support, from loans and finance to plans that will support you through your studies
SageForensic Investigation student and VP of the Disabled Students Society

How we can support you

The sooner you contact the Disability Team, the sooner they can put the right support in place for you.

The Disability Team offers a confidential service via email, phone, video conferencing, and face-to-face. They’ll be happy to help you with:

  • Applying for diagnostic assessments and Disabled Students’ Allowances
  • Dyslexia screenings
  • Developing a Learning Support Plan (LSP) to capture your disability-related needs in relation to your studies
  • Exam adjustments and special arrangements
  • Access to productivity tools and accessibility software
  • Specialist equipment/adapted accommodation
  • Specialist tuition/mentor services
  • Accessibility and travel guidance

If you require daily personal care or assistance to live independently, and you’re based in the UK, you should contact your local authority Social Services Team to discuss the options available to you.

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Check out our Learning Skills Hub online modules for neurodiversity at university.

This module aims to raise awareness of Neurodiverse brains and how students with a Neurodiverse brain learn. Whether you have one, know someone with one, or want to learn more about how to support someone with one - this is for you.

Financial support for disabled students

The Disability Team are here to help you to access all the specialist financial support available, so you can succeed in your studies.

The Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSAs), are UK Government funds to support students with physical and mental disabilities, including dyslexia and dyspraxia.

The funding provided by DSAs can help pay for extra essential costs you may incur as a direct result of your disability. These could range from sign language interpreters and dyslexia tutor sessions, to computer equipment and assistive software.

Disabled Students’ Allowances available:

  • Specialist equipment allowance - for any specialist equipment you need because of your disability.
  • Non-medical help allowance - for support workers and other non-medical assistance needed to benefit fully from your course - we can help you to organise this assistance.
  • Travel allowance - for additional travel costs you pay to get to university or placement as a direct result of your disability.
  • General allowance - for other extra disability-related costs you may have.

EU students and international students

We offer a wide range of practical support for all disabled students.

As the Disabled Students' Allowances are offered by the UK Government, they’re unfortunately not available if you’re an EU or international student. Any additional support costs need to be covered by you/your sponsor, or a charity/funding body that you find independently.

Please contact the Disability Team to discuss the costs of additional support services and different sources of funding.

Could you qualify for the Government's Personal Independence Payments (PIP)?

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) can help with extra living costs if you have both:

  • A long-term physical or mental health condition or disability.
  • Difficulty doing certain everyday tasks or getting around because of your condition.

Why apply?

  • Income doesn’t matter - PIP is non-means tested, so you can have savings, be employed, or be a student receiving Student Finance, and still be eligible for PIP.
  • It’s all about what you may need - PIP awards are based on the aids or help that you need, not what you have, to support your daily activities.

What makes you eligible?

  • You’re 16 or over.
  • You have a long-term physical or mental health condition or disability.
  • You have difficulty doing certain everyday tasks or getting around.
  • You expect the difficulties to last for at least 12 months from when they started.
  • You have lived in England, Scotland, or Wales for at least 2 of the last 3 years, and are living in one of these countries when you apply.

For advice and guidance on your eligibility and how to apply for PIP, speak to a Student Support Adviser.

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Careers Support and Advice

The 10,000 Able Intern Experience programme is designed to give students with disabilities a flying start at building their career. They match students with a paid internship in a sector of your interest, and support you with pre-internship training and development.

Your Careers and Enterprise Team are here to help you secure an internship, work experience, or graduate job opportunity through support with applications, interviews and much more. They have a range of online resources through the Careers and Enterprise Online Hub and also offer bookable one-to-one career guidance appointments.

Expect Respect

Canterbury Christ Church University and the Students’ Union believe all students, staff, and visitors have the right to live, study, and work in a safe and supportive environment, free from discrimination, bullying or harassment of any form. Find out how we are here to support you if you have witnessed, been impacted by, or experienced harassment.

In this section

Student Disability Service
Books to help you manage long-term health conditions.
Helpful Books
The Student Wellbeing Team has worked with the Library to identify a range of books to help you manage long-term health conditions.
Joining the Disabled Students Society is great because you’ll have a support system straight away.