Student mediation service

The Student Mediation Service can help you find a positive solution to a difficult situation by working with all parties involved to agree a way forward.

When life doesn’t go to plan and you’re experiencing issues maybe with a housemate, flatmate, neighbour, or landlord, it’s good to know you have the support of the Student Mediation Service. They’ll help you work together and find a resolution.

The Student Mediation Service is:

  • Unbiased -  you’ll receive the full support of trained student Mediators throughout, while a senior qualified Mediator will oversee the process. It’s not the Mediator’s role to judge you or take sides.
  • Empowering - at mediation, you make the decisions that are important to your life. While the Mediators will assist you in reaching a solution, it’s ultimately you that makes the all-important decisions.
  • Confidential - all sessions are completely confidential, and any information you share will not be discussed outside of mediation.
  • Voluntary - everyone involved in the situation needs to be willing to be involved. You won’t be made to take part in mediation and are free to leave at any time during the process. 

Because people in conflict are coming together, mediation can often be a very emotional experience; however, with the right kind of guidance from a trained third-party neutral Mediator, disputes can be resolved with respect on both sides. A Mediator can get to the underlying cause of a dispute, which may not always be immediately apparent, and can sometimes encourage people to understand, or at least see the other’s point of view

Ben WatersAccredited Mediator, Solicitor, and Principal Lecturer in Law

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