Our aim is to provide you with an outstanding education on campus learning experience, supported by online activities.
This is called “blended learning” and we are here to provide support so you can benefit from all that this method of teaching offers, ensuring you succeed in your studies.
Most courses will be taught predominantly on campus.
Each course will tailor their blended learning to the needs of their students and the requirements of your course, which may require access to specialist rooms or equipment. Your Course Team will explain to you how they intend to do this, but most courses will expect you to:
Some teaching online will be synchronous (it happens live) and some will be asynchronous (pre-recorded so you can work through it in your own time). You will most likely experience a combination of both.
Through blended learning, you will develop as a confident independent learner with an ability to engage with a range of digital tools.
Don’t forget to liaise with your personal academic tutor (PAT) for academic support - together you can identify any skills you need to develop. Also, think about connecting with a peer mentor who can share their own experiences of blended learning and give you tips on what has worked for them.
We are here to help you get the most out of your blended learning experience through:
If you have specific learning needs, you can also contact the Disability Team for specialist advice and support.
Your course team will inform you how your assessment will be handled.
Turnitin, via Blackboard, will allow you to digitally submit work and receive and review feedback and grades. This will continue to be the case for most assessments run in a blended learning course.
We recommend that you have your own laptop computer as there will be lots of online resources, recorded lectures and activities for you to engage with, to support your independent learning, both on and off campus.
Your first step is to discuss any special equipment or software requirements with your course to ensure you have what you need from the start.
Make sure your device has the latest system updates, anti-virus protection and is protected with a password or PIN code.
Remember you get access to free and discounted software including Microsoft Office, software to keep you safe online, and course-specific software.
If you do not have a laptop when on campus, there are many PCs and Apple Macs to use in our study spaces.
It is important that you consider your digital wellbeing:
Our Digital Code of Conduct aims to ensure that participants in any online event organised by the University, such as webinar, video conference, online chat, or discussion forum, benefit from the activity and are not subject to abuse or discrimination in the digital environment.