Student ID Card

Your all-important Student ID card (formerly known as Smartcard) gives you access to lots of student services.

Your Student ID card is used to:

  • gain access to your campus library to borrow books (between your course start and end date)
  • gain access to Augustine House during extended opening hours
  • print, copy or scan using the multi-functional devices (MFDs) on campus
  • getting into 'access controlled' buildings on both Canterbury and Medway campuses
  • access restricted areas on the Canterbury campus like computing labs and accommodation (you need to visit Security Lodge to get this activated on your card)
  • pay (cashless) for items at campus catering outlets and the University Bookshop
  • identify you
  • track your attendance at your timetabled teaching, so we can be confident you're engaging with your studies and support you if you need it
  • receive discounts in certain shops
  • get free access to Canterbury Cathedral

Register your attendance so we can support you in your studies

It’s important for us to know if you’ve attended lectures, seminars or classes in person or online so we can support you in your studies. By tapping in with your Student ID card and registering your attendance, we’ll notice if you’ve missed any timetabled sessions and if you need any support to get back on track.

International students must tap in to their teaching

If you are an international student who is here on a Student Route visa, your leave to remain is dependent on your continued engagement with your studies. One of the ways in which we monitor your engagement will be through you tapping into your lectures, seminars and other learning activities. If you miss any of these without prior agreement from the University then we may withdraw our sponsorship of your visa. If this happens, then you would no longer be able to continue with your course and would need to return home.

More on Student ID cards

Your photo is your ID so it needs to meet certain criteria (similar to passport photos). It must be:

  • of your head and shoulders only (like a passport photo)
  • without any filters
  • in colour, and taken against a light background
  • taken recently
  • taken of you facing forward with your eyes open and clearly visible (with no sunglasses, tinted glasses or hair across your eyes)
  • free from reflection or excessive shadows
  • of you on your own (no other people or objects in the photo)
  • taken of the full head, without any covering, unless it is worn for religious beliefs or medical reasons
  • taken with nothing covering your face

If your Student ID card is due to expire, please contact the i-zone no earlier than six weeks before the printed expiry date.

If you’ve lost your Student ID card you can get a replacement card for £10.

Please contact the i-zone for more information.

If your card has been stolen and you have valid crime reference number, you’ll be entitled to a free replacement. Please contact the i-zone as soon as possible.

  • The card is issued as an access card for university facilities (subject to access rights) and as a visual identity check
  • The card does not guarantee that the holder is a member of Canterbury Christ Church University. The cardholder's rights to individual services may expire independently of the nominal expiry date printed on the card
  • Use or attempted use by anyone other than the cardholder constitutes as fraud against the University, and the University may take action against the perpetrator. In such circumstances, the card will be retained and cleared from the system for security reasons and the £10 replacement charge will come into operation. Disciplinary action in line with University procedures may be taken against the cardholder where the cardholder gave access to the card in any way and by any means to another
  • The cardholder must take all reasonable care to prevent the card from being damaged, lost, stolen or misused, and a charge will be made for a replacement
  • Agreement to these terms and conditions is implied on the cardholder receiving the card

When you complete your studies and leave the University, or if you withdraw before the end of your course, you must give your card to the Registry, Augustine House.

Your card will be disabled for access to all facilities from the last date of study.

  • The card remains the property of the University at all times
  • The University reserves the right to withdraw from an individual, any or all of the facilities of the card and request that the card be surrendered, if there is evidence the card is being misused in any way, and disciplinary action may be taken in line with the University procedures
  • The University reserves the right to withdraw all cards, suspend some or all of the facilities or replace the card with one or more alternatives, without prior notice