Postgraduate personal academic tutors and supervisors

Your tutors and supervisors are here to support you on your postgraduate journey.

Personal Academic Tutor

Postgraduate taught students have a personal academic tutor to help you develop, grow and succeed in your studies and research.

Every student is allocated a key named member of academic staff, from their course of study, called a personal academic tutor (PAT).

Your PAT provides you with academic support, so together you can identify any skills you need to develop. This can include:

  • Help with reflecting on your expectations of university life and future goals.
  • Support with your transition into university and the different levels of study.
  • Discussions about any study skills you need to focus on and resources to help you.
  • Support with reviewing feedback on assignments and improving your grades.
  • Help with your personal development and identifying skills you may need for future employability.
  • Signposting you to appropriate support services.

PATs will provide regularly scheduled appointments to meet with you, either individually or in groups, face-to-face or online, at least three times per year. To find out who your personal academic tutor is, please contact your course team.

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Research Supervisor

Your supervisor will play a vital role in your PhD, supporting you from starting out to submission (and beyond).

Your supervisor will have some core responsibilities towards you and your project. These will normally include meeting to discuss your work, reading drafts and being available to respond emails and other forms of contact within a reasonable timeframe.

Your work will be reviewed and discussed annually at a progress review meeting, chaired by a senior researcher.

Check your Handbook & Code of Practice for Research Degree Students and Supervisors for further details.

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