The first Professor of Dance Education and Director of the Sidney De Haan Research Centre for Arts and Health, Angela Pickard, has been awarded an International Fellowship Award from the International Association of Dance, Medicine and Science (IADMS).

The accolade is in recognition of her outstanding contribution to dance, medicine and science and acknowledges her esteemed professional achievement, skills, knowledge, and service to the dance medicine and science global community.

Her work has impacted on dance education and training pedagogies within ballet and contemporary schools, programmes and companies, early years settings, primary, secondary, Conservatoires and Higher Education institutions locally, nationally and internationally.

Speaking of receiving the award, Professor Pickard, said: "I am honoured to receive this international accolade. It highlights the impact of work in growing knowledge and understanding of dance education and training, and it’s positive impact upon health and wellbeing, communities and creative industries.”

Professor Pickard is also an academic partner for the International Parents and Dance Network (IPADN) and has been researching this area since 2021. Her research has been published in various journals including an urgent call to address challenged faced by freelance mothers in dance. The research by charity Parents and Carers in Performing Arts signposts clear recommendations for dance industry stakeholders which include increasing awareness, resources and support, and developing workplaces.

Professor Pickard also leads research funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) in Critical Dance Pedagogy to establish an international dance research network that explores current issues, generate change and legacy for the sector. Angela has brought together international and national academics, organisations, teachers and artists to create a more inclusive and diverse dance education practice for the sector.

Professor Pickard will give the second lecture of the new Professorial Beacon Lectures series, showcasing the research expertise of CCCU professors.

The lecture, How can the arts save humanity?, will take place on Wednesday 26 February at 6pm, Michael Berry Lecture Theatre, Old Sessions House.