Which resources can be scanned, how to access the services and limitations to scanning resources

Scanning extracts from printed books, journals and magazines for inclusion on Blackboard is permitted when in accordance with the terms of the Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) Higher Education Licence.

Library and Learning Resources provides the scanning service for the University, to ensure compliance and for the mandatory reporting of scanned items to the CLA.

Academic staff can request a book extract or journal article scan online:

  1. Fill in the online request form - please register here before making your first request.
    You can watch a YouTube video on how to request an item here.
  2. If the items meet the terms of the CLA licence, they will be scanned and a link will be emailed to you for posting on the relevant Blackboard site.
  • Printed books, journals and magazines owned by the University Library.
  • Journal articles available via the British Library’s Copyright Cleared Service if unavailable via LibrarySearch.
  • Material originally published in the UK or US, with the exception of excluded publishers or individual works. A list of these is available on the Copyright Licensing Agency website. Many other overseas publications are also covered by the licence.

Certain categories of material are not covered by the licence. These include:

  • newspapers
  • maps and charts
  • printed music
  • unpublished material such as theses, dissertations and in house publications.

For each module:

  • One chapter or up to 10% of a book (across all editions).
  • Two articles from an issue or part of a journal.

We will endeavour to process your request within 4 working weeks, however there are times of year when demands on the service are exceptionally high and this timescale cannot be guaranteed. It is strongly recommended that you allow as much time as possible and that you submit your requests as early as possible.

Scanned copies can be read online or downloaded by students enrolled on the specified module, by academic staff teaching the course, or by visiting academics teaching or auditing the course e.g. external examiners. A single copy can be printed for personal use by any of these authorised persons.

You may ask for the same extract to be made simultaneously available to students on more than module, but you must fill in a separate request form for each module.

A digital copy of a different part of the same book, journal or magazine can be made available to students on another module or course, subject to the limits mentioned earlier.

If you need to provide a digital copy in an alternative accessible format, please contact the Scanning Services team for advice.