Finding information when you have left university
If you are entering into a profession, then you may find that it is affiliated to a professional body or organisation. These organisations often produce their own member journals and other useful publications that will help you to develop knowledge and awareness of your chosen field, including news, blogs, research reports etc. Some of these are freely accessible on the organisation websites, others may require paid membership. Some have their own specialist libraries where you can find information and get help from a librarian.
Click on the hotspots below to find examples of some professional organisations and publications: social worker; teacher; nurse; lawyer; geographer; engineer; accountant; police officer
(If the image below appears too small, then click on the square symbol on the bottom-right corner of the image next to the word thinglink to expand it to full-screen and click on the hot-spots, then click on Escape to exit and return to this page).
Can’t spot your profession here? Do some research to see if there is an organisation or professional body that you could join, (you could ask your tutors for recommendations!)
You may be going to work in a general field rather than a specific profession, and there are subscription journals across all subjects that may be of interest. Here are some examples of journal titles: Computer Journal; Dance Magazine; History Today; HR Magazine; New Scientist; Marketing Week; Music Week; Poetry Magazine; Politics Review; Sports Management; Young Children.
Can you locate a journal in your chosen field that you might find useful to read or subscribe to?