Depending on your course of study, you may be able to choose one or more of the modules that you study. This enables you to focus on specific topics and themes, supporting you to build the knowledge and skills that you need for your future career.

The module choice process takes place at pre-arranged times during the academic year:

  • A small number of Semester-based courses have some optional modules in the second Semester of their 1st year. For these courses/levels of study, students make their choices during their first Semester.
  • For courses that have optional modules during their 2nd or 3rd year, the module choice process takes place during the spring of the preceding academic year.  

If you're unsure whether you're eligible to take part in the module choice process, check your Course Handbook or speak to your Course team

Preparing to make your choices

To prepare you for making your choices, you’ll receive a briefing from your Course team about the modules that are available to you. It's important that you understand what's on offer, and any restrictions, as there are different requirements for different courses.

When it’s time for you to make your choices, you'll receive an email inviting you to choose your modules online in MyRecord.

You’ll generally have two weeks to make your choices. If you miss the deadline, your course team will make your choices for you based on what they believe to be most appropriate. Please be aware that this may limit your ability to request any changes at a later date.

Please note: Your module choice is an expression of preference and subject to the availability of places on each module.

Key information for...

If you’re a full-time student, your choices need to add up to 120 credits. If you're studying Combined Honours, you must choose modules to the value of at least 40 credits in each of your subjects.

Important considerations when choosing your modules

  • Some courses offer a combination of compulsory and optional modules so please speak to your Course Team if you have any questions about what is on offer.
  • Make sure that the modules you choose are appropriately balanced across each Semester. For a full-time student, this will typically be 60 credits in Advent (1st Semester) and 60 credits in Easter (2nd Semester).
  • If a module is running in both Semesters, you can choose which Semester you want to study it. (But you can only choose it once.)

Which Semester is which?


This the first Semester of the academic year. 


This is the second Semester of the academic year.

How to make and submit your choices

We recommend that you use a computer rather than a mobile device when making your choices, and use Chrome rather than any other browser. There's a lot of information to be displayed so you'll find it easier with a larger screen rather than using a smartphone or tablet.

Step 1 Log into MyRecord

Click here to log in to MyRecord.

  • If you’re already signed into the University network, you’ll be taken straight to MyRecord.
  • If you're not signed in, you’ll need to do so in the usual way, using your student username and password.

Once you've successfully logged in, make sure the 'Module Choice' tab is highlighted. (You may be able to see additional tabs to the ones shown here, depending on your student status.)

To start making your choices, click 'Choose modules for [the relevant academic year]'.

Step 2. Choose your modules

Here, you'll see details for you and your course of study.

You might also notice that your current module status is GEN ('Generated') - this simply means that everything is set for you to choose your modules for the next academic year.

Choosing the correct number of credits

From the different types of module listed, you need to build your curriculum for the next academic year. This involves choosing the relevant number of credits for you – i.e. 120 if you’re full-time and between 40-80 if you’re part-time.

  • For many students, the options will be limited to just 'Compulsory' modules and 'Optional' modules, like in the example above.
  • But if next year is your 2nd year, you may be eligible to swap one of your interchangeable 20 credit subject modules for a foreign language module.
  • And for your 3rd year, you may be able to select a 20 or 40 credit dissertation/independent study module.

The more complex your choices, the more important it is that you’ve discussed them with your Course team.

For each different type of module, click the 'View List' button to see the modules on offer. 

Click on the name of the module for a very headline summary, including the location where it’s taught. (If you want to know more about the content of the module, you’ll need to speak to your Course team.)

Starting with your compulsory modules, simply click the relevant 'Add' button to select a module. Please note:  

  • You must select all compulsory modules which appear just once.
  • If any compulsory modules appear twice, it will because they are running in both Advent (Semester 1) and Easter (Semester 2). In this case, you’ll need to choose just one - either the Advent version or the Easter version.

Once you've successfully added all applicable compulsory modules, continue making your selections from the optional / foreign language / dissertation modules available to you.

Remember, you need to ensure an equal distribution of credits across the two Semesters.

If you change your mind about a module you've already added, simply click the dustbin icon to remove it before choose something else in its place.

Once you’re happy with your choices and you've checked your credits are appropriately balanced across the two Semesters, click the ‘Review Selections’ button.

Step 3. Review and submit your choices

Now, you have another opportunity to review the modules you’ve selected before you submit them.

If you want to see the information displayed in another way, open up the Workload Distribution Report.

If you're still happy with your choices, click ‘Enter Selections’ to submit your choices.

You’ll see your registration status has been updated to ENT ('Entered'). This means your selections have been saved, ready for reviewing by your Course team.

But if you change your mind, you can log back in to MyRecord and amend your selections anytime before the module choice process closes.

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Pending changes to study requests

If you have submitted a changes to study request but don't yet know the outcome, please go ahead and choose your modules for your current course.

If your change to study request is approved before module choice closes, you may be able to engage with module choice for your new course. You will receive confirmation if this is the case.

If you have requested an interruption to your studies, then again we would recommend that you engage with module choice as if you are continuing your studies. If your change to study request is approved, your record will be updated to reflect this.

What happens next?

You'll be able to view your modules MyRecord by the start of May (under the 'My Modules' tab). You'll also receive an email to your University email address to confirm your modules.

If a module that you have chosen is unavailable for any reason, we will try to secure a close alternative for you. Please note that your module selection is subject to the availability of places on each module.

If, after your module choices have been confirmed, you decide that you would like to change your modules, it is important that you check the deadlines to do so with your Course team:

  • Any requests to change after the deadline date for module choices will only be considered in exceptional circumstances. Requests are reviewed individually by your Course team.
  • Whenever a request for a module change is submitted, Course teams need to consider student numbers, timetabling clashes, health and safety factors and curriculum requirements.
  • You’ll need to provide information relating to your exceptional circumstances for the request to be reviewed.