Related links is a basic component that allows links to both internal and external pages including content pages, external links, homepage, hub landing pages and internal template links. They have minimal styling, but are used to offer additional information to the main content and promote further browsing.
An example of a Related links component
When adding related links, you will typically add a heading above followed by the component itself. Commonly, web editors will add a heading that says something along the lines of ‘In this section’, 'Further reading' or suchlike.
To create Related links, the process is very straightforward:
Add the component to the sidebar content area
If the entry you’re linking to already exists, click on the green “+ Select entries” button and find the entry or entries you wish to link. You can add multiple, but it’s best to keep them concise and directly related to the page content.
If you need to create a new entry, click on the link below the button and you can either build a new page, or more commonly you can add an external link which simply requires a relevant name and the URL you are linking to. You do not need to worry about an image. Save and approve once complete.
Once you have added your links, you can drag them up or down to rearrange, edit or delete them using the pencil icon or three dots respectively.
A related links component looks like this in Contensis - as you can see, the top two are pages linked from within Contensis and the final one is an external page link entry: