Update your details on our alumni database

Make sure you keep us advised of any changes to your contact and employment details, so that you can continue to hear about news, events, and professional development opportunities from CCCU. Plus we’ll let you know about opportunities to inspire our students, share your success stories and celebrate your career highlights.

If you were awarded a Foundation degree or Bachelor's degree, the University is also legally required to pass your contact details to the Higher Education Statistics Agency so they can contact you 15 months after you qualified about Graduate Outcomes. Keeping us advised of your up-to-date details will mean you can take part in this nation-wide survey, which will help inform future students about their course and career choices and enable CCCU to evaluate its courses.

Our Alumni Privacy Notice explains in more detail how we store and process your data. Your data is held by the University securely and used in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003, as amended.

Once you successfully complete a course of study at Canterbury Christ Church University, your data is transferred from the University’s student records system to a specialist database. For more information about how we manage your data, as well as your data privacy rights, see our Data Privacy Policy.

You can opt out of receiving any or all of these communications, or update your contact details, by:

  • Submitting the form below
  • Letter (addressed to the Alumni Relations Team, Canterbury Christ Church University, North Holmes Road, Canterbury, CT1 1QU)
  • Emailing the Alumni Team

Update your details

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