The Work-based Learning team is a key resource and contact for learners and placement providers. The team work collaboratively with placement providers to ensure there is a consistent approach to practice learning that meets regulatory body and course requirements.  

In the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care, courses provide placements in a variety of practice settings. Practice placements are provided by a wide range of organisations that include NHS Trusts, in social care settings, within social services, and private, independent, and voluntary organisations.

Work-based learning experiences offer students the opportunity to experience the reality of their chosen profession, develop the skills, knowledge, and expertise to become a part of your future health and social care workforce.  

Excellence in Work-based Learning: our placement strategy

The quality of the learning experience in practice plays a critical role in developing and sustaining the workforce. The team continue to develop excellence in work-based learning through partnership working with students, stakeholders, and colleagues.

We ensure that this Faculty:

  • Contributes to the effective delivery and operation of high-quality placement learning experiences for all students.
  • Develops shared governance for work-based learning that drives improvement, enhances achievement, and promotes good practice.
  • Leads upon, facilitates, and supports innovations, grows expertise and our reputation in practice learning.

Resources to support practitioners

Talk to us

Have you got something you want to tell us about your placement? Seen something you need to make us aware of? Want to pass on feedback about a positive experience?

Whatever it may be you can use our new Talk to Us contact form. You can choose to remain anonymous, but please do leave your name if you would like feedback or assurances that your observations have been picked up. Alternatively, please do call us or drop-in to our office with any queries.

Meet the team

Work based learning is supported by professional services and academic teams who coordinate and support practice learning experiences and ensure relevant checks are completed before students go out to practice. Each course has a placement lead who works alongside a team of senior lecturers in practice learning and a link lecturer team, to ensure students receive high quality practice learning experiences.

Course Name email address
Adult Nursing (BSc) Overall Libby Fairbairn
Child Nursing (BSc) Holly Avery
Mental Health Nursing (BSc) Lisa Adams
Adult and Mental Health Nursing (MSc) Ram Reesaul (Adult Nursing)
Esme Blay (Mental Health Nursing)
Nursing Degree Apprenticeship Ann Newman
Nursing Associate Vicki Bowyer
Return to Practice Nursing Kate Devis
Diagnostic Radiography Clare Andrews
Occupational Therapy Simon Hannaford
Operating Department Practice Lynn McNalty
Paramedic Science Mike Stephens
Physician Associate Pam Trangmar
Physiotherapy Estie Borland
Social Work Marianne Hooper
Speech and Language Therapy Sonia Sivyer

Senior Lecturers in Practice Learning

Senior Lecturers in Practice Learning (SLPLs) are a dynamic interprofessional team that work at the interface between the University and placement providers to enhance the quality of the learning experience.

The SLPL team develops resources for practice learning, promotes new alternative models of placement, and offers supervision and support, which contributes to a successful and transformative learning experience. You can find their profiles below.

Contact the SLPLs