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Meet the Faculty Executive Team

Professor Jane Perry
Interim PVC and Dean for Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care
Jane is the Interim Pro-Vice Chancellor and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care.
Professor Eleni Hatzidimitriadou
Head of Research and Enterprise
Eleni is Professor of Community Psychology and Public Mental Health, and Head of Research & Enterprise in the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care.
Mrs Kathryn Summers
Ms Kate Brown
Faculty Director of Simulation
Dr Sue Plummer
Campus Director and Director of the Institute of Medical Sciences
Since 2008, Sue has taken on the roles of Medway Campus Director in 2012 and Interim Director of the Institute of Medical Sciences in 2019.
Mrs Gail Sheppard
Faculty Director of Learning and Teaching
Gail is the Faculty Director of Learning and Teaching.
Dr Paul Driscoll-Evans
Head of School of Nursing
Paul is the Head of School for the School of Nursing, within the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care.
Mrs Dasha MacDonald
Interim Faculty Registrar
Dasha is the Faculty Registrar.