Managing your money can seem daunting, but there are lots of things you can do to plan ahead and budget successfully. With the right information and advice, you can minimise financial worries and maximise your enjoyment of student life.
If you need some guidance or experience any issues with funding your course or living costs, the University can offer advice and support.
Our Student Support and Wellbeing Advisers offer information and advice on funding, bursaries, scholarships, budgeting and money management and they're happy to talk to you before you arrive.
If you want to find out how we have been proactively supporting current students during Covid-19, we recommend you take a look at our dedicated web pages here.
There are three basic steps to creating a budget. If you can, arrange your funding as soon as possible. Whether that’s a student loan, savings or funding from elsewhere.
Make sure you have an idea of:
Money Saving Expert has advice for students. Budget planning, templates, money-saving tips, deals, discounts and more are all available in one place to help students manage their finances.
Knowing that you've secured part-time work before arriving at University can be reassuring – it’s a great way to supplement your income, develop skills and meet new friends.
The University’s recruitment service, Unitemps, is the place to go if you want to work part-time either at the University or in the local area. There's often a lot of flexibility to work part-time around your studies. You can see all the latest jobs at and you can register with them.
It’s recommended that you try and limit your working hours to 15 hours a week so you have time for your studies (and a social life too!).
Taking the time to work alongside your studies means that you'll need to be quite organised. If you want to speak to us about any concerns or have a question, our students and staff can help.