
Join our thriving international community and meet other Bangladeshi students at CCCU. Popular programmes for Bangladesh students include undergraduate Business pathways, Social Studies and Computer Science.

Visits to your country

Our International Office makes regular visits to Bangladesh, providing a great opportunity for you to meet with Canterbury Christ Church University staff in person and to get information and advice on joining our international student community:

  • courses and entry requirements
  • how to make your application
  • tuition fees
  • accommodation options
  • living and studying in Canterbury.

Academic requirements

CCCU Entry Point Minimum Qualification/Grade
Bachelor Degree

Polytechnic Diploma (BTEB) with a final grade of at least 65%

Bachelor of Arts, Science or Commerce (Pass) awarded after 3 years of study with a minimum final grade of at least 60% or a GPA of 3.0/4.0

Master's Degree

Bachelor of Arts, Science or Commerce (Honours) awarded after 4 years of study at a good institution with a final grade of at least 60% or a GPA of 2.5/4.0

Bachelor degree (Professional subjects) awarded after at least 4 years of study at a good institution with a final grade of at least 60% or a GPA of 2.5/4.0

Bachelor of Science in Engineering from a recognised university 

For programmes requiring a 2:2: 
A minimum final grade of 60% or a GPA of 2.5/4.0

For programmes requiring a 2:2: 
A minimum final grade of 55% or a GPA of 2.5/4.0

Master of Engineering/Master of Science (Engineering) from a recognised university 

For programmes requiring a 2:1: 
A minimum final grade of 55% or a GPA of 2.75/4.0 

For programmes requiring a 2:2: 
A minimum final grade of 50% or a GPA of 2.5/4.0


Master of Science in Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)

Master of Philosophy (MPhil) from a recognised university

PhD from a recognised university

English requirements

For foundation year entry

  • IELTS or equivalent – minimum of 5.0
  • IELTS Writing – minimum of 5.0
  • IELTS in all other bands – minimum of 4.0.

For undergraduate

  • IELTS or equivalent – 6.0 overall
  • IELTS Writing – minimum of 6.0
  • IELTS in all other bands – minimum of 5.5.

Please check with our International Team for your specific English requirements as some courses many differ.

If you have achieved at least a C in English IGCSE, this should be enough for you to be accepted onto an undergraduate course.

For postgraduate

  • IELTS – minimum of 6.5
  • IELTS Writing – minimum of 6.0
  • IELTS in all other bands – minimum of 5.5.

Please check with our Admissions Team for your specific English requirements as some courses many differ.


Our representatives

Agents from our international recruitment partner, InUni, are on-hand to provide in-country support, including help with your application, student visa and travel to the UK.

Contact InUni to connect with an agent.
Call: +44 208 175 3200

The following agents also work with us in Bangladesh:

AH&Z Associates Ltd (Dhaka Office)

Rupayan Prime (6th Floor), House# 02, Road# 07
Green Road, Dhanmondi - 1205 Dhaka, 

Tel: +88018 6309 4087



AH&Z Associates Ltd (Sylhet Office)

AddressRN Tower Medical College Road 
Sylhet - 3100, Bangladesh

Tel: +88(0) 1730575920

London College of Professional Studies Ltd

Address: The Hub, 123 Star Lane, Canning Town, London E16 4PZ

Tel: 02036320968

Email: or


InterGreat Education Group Ltd

Contact: Nhung Tran

Address: 29 Threadneddle Street, London 

Tel: +44 (0) 203 856 8180



Contact InUni
Agents from our international recruitment partner, InUni, are on-hand to provide in-country support, including help with your application, student visa and travel to the UK.
Visit InUni
Visit our international recruitment partner, InUni