
    Enhance your professional competence and become a non-medical prescriber with this 40-credit module in Non-Medical Prescribing.  

    Taken as a stand-alone module or as part of the MSc Advanced Clinical Practice, this intensive course will provide you with the knowledge to allow you to prescribe safely, appropriately, and cost-effectively.

    You will become proficient in consultations, prescribing in a team context and clinical pharmacology whilst researching evidence-based practice and issues related to prescribing. You will also delve into policy context and the legal and ethical aspects of prescribing, as well as professional accountability and responsibility, and prescribing in the public health context.  

    Upon completion of the course, you will be eligible to apply to have your qualification recorded with your registered body, either the NMC or HCPC, depending on which you are registered with.  

    You can also take this course as part of the MSc in Advanced Clinical Practice.

    Why study Non-Medical Prescribing at CCCU?

    • Progress in your career with this evidence-informed, rounded, and robust module.
    • Choose a course that is flexible – we understand that many of our students are also current working professionals.
    • Become a part of the Graduate College as a postgraduate student.
    • Record your qualification with the NMC or HCPC upon completion of this course.

    The delivery of the NMP course at CCCU made what could be perceived as a tricky phase of clinical professional development into a well rounded and robust module. Perfect for those already established or branching into advanced practice.

    Carrie, NMP student

    Entry requirements

    Entry requirements are in line with the general regulations for the conferment of awards although additional entry requirements apply to this programme, (NMC 2018, and HCPC (2016). It is also essential that applicants have professional registration to practice in health and/or social care or equivalent. They must hold an Enhanced DBS Certificate.

    It is expected that applicants will have completed a Level 6 or Level 7 History Taking & Clinical Examination course or programme prior to starting, and preferably a diagnostic interpretation and reasoning course

    In addition to the entry requirements for the University the following requirements are specifically for NMC registrants:

    • Must be a recognised professional that is eligible to undertake the non-medical prescribing V300 qualification. A first degree and/or evidence of the ability to study at level 6/7.
    • Must be a level 1 registered nurse, a registered midwife, or a SCPHN.
    • You must have at least one years’ experience in registered practice.
    • You must have been practising in the clinical field which there is intent to prescribe for one year immediately preceding the application. This can include self employment.
    • You should be able to provide evidence from employer of ability in diagnosis, physical examination to enable application of prescribing skills, this can be a recognised qualification evidence of relevant experience.
    • You should be able to provide evidence from your employer that you are capable of safe and effective practice at a level of proficiency appropriate to the programme to be undertaken and their intended area of prescribing practice.
    • You should be able to confirm that the necessary governance structures are in place (including clinical support, access to protected learning time and employer support where appropriate) to enable students to undertake and be adequately supported throughout, the programme.
    • You must have a Practice Supervisor and Practice Assessor who meets the eligibility criteria for the practice supervision of nurse and midwife prescribers
    • You must have the competence, experience and academic ability to study at the level required for the programme.
    • Provide evidence of an Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).

    In addition to the entry requirements for the University the following requirements are specifically for HCPC registrants:

    • Be registered with the HCPC in one of the relevant Allied Health Professions AND
    • Be professionally practising in an environment where there is an identified need for the individual to regularly use independent prescribing or supplementary prescribing AND
    • Be able to demonstrate support from their employer/sponsor including confirmation that the entrant will have appropriate supervised practice in the clinical area in which they are expected to prescribe AND
    • Be able to demonstrate medicines and clinical governance arrangements are in place to support safe and effective supplementary and/or independent prescribing AND
    • Have an approved clinician normally recognised by the employer/commissioning organisation as having: i) Experience in the relevant field of practice ii) Training and experience in the supervision, support and assessment of trainees iii) Has agreed to; - Provide the student with opportunities to develop competences in prescribing - Supervise, support and assess the student during their clinical placement. AND
    • Have normally at least 3 years relevant post-qualification experience in the clinical area in which they will be prescribing. AND
    • Be working at an advanced practitioner or equivalent level. AND
    • Be able to demonstrate how they reflect on their own performance and take responsibility for their own Continuing Professional Development (CPD) including development of networks for support, reflection and learning. AND
    • Provide evidence of an Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).

    The Independent Prescribing programme at CCCU is commissioned by Health Education England and therefore requires all applications for this programme to come via the individual’s organisational educational leads/non-medical prescribing leads agreed with the University. This includes self-funded applications where support will be given via an NHS organisation.

    Before submitting your application for this programme please contact your organisational educational lead or non-medical/independent prescribing lead to discuss their pre-requisites and application process.

    Those working in PRIMARY CARE in Kent & Medway (excluding KCHFT, Hospices and Acute Trusts) please contact your Primary Care education lead:- East Kent sara-jane.kray@nhs.net; North Kent yvonne.wilson10@nhs.net; West Kent  philly.adams@nhs.net

    Self-employed and non-NHS applicants will need to demonstrate overall supportive governance, including NMP policies, scope of practice, and appropriate insurances. They will also need to demonstrate an appropriate Practice Supervisor and Practice Assessor is available to support them.

    International students

    If you are accessing this course via the MSc Advanced Clinical Practice programme, you must meet the recommended requirement of any international student accessing programmes in the United Kingdom (UK). The application process will be followed according to the University procedures.

    If English is not your first language you require an IELTS overall score of 6.0 with no element below 5.5. For more information on the IELTS (International English language Testing System) requirements for this course, please click here to visit our dedicated IELTS web page.

    Module information

    As well as the core modules, you may also have the opportunity to study a number of option modules in your second and third year. Option modules will not be pre-selected for you. We provide examples of option modules. The availability of specific option modules may vary from year to year. The offer of an option will be subject to a minimum number of students choosing the module to ensure the appropriate student experience. The offer of option modules may also be affected by staff availability. It means we cannot guarantee the availability of a particular optional module. However, we will ensure you have a choice of option modules.

    Core/optional modules

    *Modules subject to approval

    How you’ll learn

    Learning and teaching will be focused on the development of analytical thinking and critical reflection whilst educating the whole person. Ability in creativity, problem solving, questioning, reasoning and development of individual thought at a higher level will be central to the teaching and learning strategies whilst working together with organisations as partners in learning. There will be an interactive approach to learning and teaching acknowledging your prior learning and expertise in clinical practice.

    The course uses blended learning/ flipped classroom approach to learning. This will enable you to have a flexible and manageable learning environment that fits with your work and life balance. Blending face-to-face and online activities has been selected to achieve the learning outcomes. This mixture of learning allows you to learn at your own pace as well as suiting different learning needs.

    The number of face-to-face classroom based days will normally be four 8 hour sessions per 20 credit module. This will be directed learning, which will provide meaningful debate around clinical cases, development of knowledge, reflection on learning activities and students will be able to share their learning and experiences in clinical practice.

    Workshops will be utilised to enable you to practice skills and gain experience in various aspects of prescribing practice. Workshops comprise a theoretical component by means of lecture or academic/student led activity and a practical element which will include role play.

    The course aims to encourage you to critically analyse practice and consider strategies for development. The Personal Academic Tutor will arrange a practice visit which encourages a quality review of the learning environment whilst building a learning community that supports practice. You will also complete an electronic portfolio and a reflective journal as part of your development in reflective practice.

    You will be provided with appropriate guided reading throughout the course and the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) will be used to support the course providing essential programme documents, extracts of required reading material and lecture notes.

    Non-Medical Prescribing is a supportive course delivered by clinical experts in their field. It enables practitioners to manage full episodes of patient care, whilst working within their scope of professional practice.

    Ollie PhippsProgramme Director

    How you’ll be assessed

    For each 20 credit module, the assessments are weighted at 4,000 words or equivalent. Formative or summative assessment will take place throughout the programme.

    The Pharmacology and prescribing principles module is assessed by a written pharmacology examination and classroom based numeracy test and a reflective essay.

    The Prescribing in practice module is assessed by an electronic portfolio, containing written reflections of prescribing practice and an observed examination of clinical practice, which is completed in the students own work area.

    Your future career

    This course will enable career progression, attendance on the course will have been supported by your Trust/ organisation and as such you are in a senior position, or working towards this, in the clinical setting.

    Working in partnership with the Trust/organisation to develop the curriculum has ensured that on successful completion of the course, the expectations of the Trust/ organisation’s concept of the non-medical prescriber role have been met.

    You will be expected to record your qualification with the regulatory body to enable you to prescribe within your practice area. You will also be expected to inform your manager and ensure that you maintain your practice by completing regular NMP updates.

    You could also use this qualification and credits towards an Advanced Clinical Practice MSc. The course will enable you to gain experience, skills and attributes that are essential in shaping your own future.

    The successful completion of the non-medical prescribing programme does not mean that you are able to work as a prescriber. You must meet your employer’s requirements and register your qualification with the NMC or other regulatory body and this will incur a cost.

    As an employer, the Non-Medical Prescribing course at CCCU has enabled staff to advance both their scope and level of practice. This translates into the ability to provide patient-centred care that is both safe and effective.

    Ian SetchfieldAcute Care Nurse Consultant


    To access this programme, you can either be NHS/employer funded or you can self-fund your modules.

    If you are seeking NHS/employer funding, please contact the relevant named education or development lead (and not your line manager) for advice and support within your organisation. You will be required to complete a university application form accompanied by a statement from the employer confirming financial support.

    If you are self-funding, you will be invoiced by the University Finance department once your application has been successful. All questions about tuition fees should be directed to the Fees team. Any other finance queries can be sent to Finance.

    Recognition of prior learning through APL, APCL, APEL are subject to charges available on application.

    2024/25 tuition fees for this course

      UK* Overseas
    Full-time N/A N/A
    Part-time  £1,725 per 20 credit module N/A


    20% alumni discount

    We offer alumni discounts on CCCU Postgraduate Taught, PGCE Primary and Secondary, and Masters by Research courses for eligible students.

    Find out if you're eligible for the discount.

    Important information on tuition fees

    Tuition fees for all courses which last more than one academic year are payable on an annual basis, except where stated.

    There will be an annual inflationary increase in tuition fees for this course where the course lasts more than one academic year. For further information read the tuition fee statements and continuing fee information.


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