
    Further your career with a dynamic and evidence-based Advanced Clinical Practice MSc. This degree has been specifically designed for current registered healthcare professionals who have been qualified for at least three years. Therefore, this course will elevate your current skills and knowledge so you can progress professionally.

    Informed by current practice and research and the advanced clinical practice framework, this Master's in Advanced Clinical Practice will enable you to develop critical awareness whilst demonstrating specialist skills, professional knowledge, and strategic leadership.

    Our Advanced Clinical Practice MSc emphasises a person-centred approach to highlight the needs of service providers. This will ensure that you will further develop your practice as you analyse and synthesise complex problems across a range of settings whilst managing complete clinical care episodes.

    During the course you will complete key modules including an advanced practice skills and clinical reasoning module, allowing you to enhance your assessment skills and develop your ability to make clinical decisions. Throughout, key cases will be used and you will be expected to use these skills in clinical practice with supervision from your clinical facilitator.

    What’s more, you will showcase your core and specific clinical competence that aligns with the four pillars of advanced clinic practice. You will complete multiple research modules that will enable you to develop your research skills, which you will incorporate during your dissertation. You will also undertake a practice development project.

    Why study MSc Advanced Clinical Practice at CCCU?

    • Choose a course that prioritises a person-centred approach, self-reflection, and critical awareness, which will elevate your skills, knowledge, and practice.
    • Learn in our state-of-the-art Verena Holmes Building, which is home to industry-spec facilities including simulation suites and the Anatomy Learning Centre.
    • Become a valued member of our Graduate College as a postgraduate student.
    The skills, critical thinking, broadening thought processes and confidence in differential diagnosis that we are learning have been humbling and incredibly useful in the primary care setting.
    Paul, Advanced Clinical Practice student

    Entry requirements

    Entry requirements for this programme are in line with University policies on widening participation and equality of opportunity. Applicants should normally possess:

    • A relevant first degree in health/ social sciences, 2:2 or above.
    • You should have been a qualified health care professional for a minimum of 3 years.
    • You should be working clinically as a registered health care professional in the UK.
    • It is also essential that you have professional registration to practice in health and/or social care.

    If English is not your first language you require an IELTS overall score of 6.0 with no element below 5.5 for most standard undergraduate and postgraduate courses. There are some exceptions and if the IELTS requirement differs it will be specified on the course page.

    Honours Degree

    Module information

    You can apply for stand alone modules here.

    Core/optional modules

    *Modules subject to approval

    How you’ll learn

    Learning and teaching strategies will involve you as an active participant; you will be encouraged to use self-evaluation and reflection on your own experience to deepen and consolidate your understanding as well as plan for your future learning.  Modules are organised using a range of teaching and learning methods to facilitate your academic and professional development. These will involve working both collaboratively, with other students, as well as independently. These methods include a blend of classroom based, online and work-based learning activities.

    Teaching and learning methods are supported by technologies e.g. our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) accessed via Blackboard. As the programme uses a blended learning approach it is essential that you access the modules sites on the VLE and actively participate in the learning activities. You will also have access to an ACP discussion forum to ensure that all those attending the course can gain peer support and be able to share their experiences.

    To ensure your development as an ACP you will need to develop and maintain a portfolio of evidence that reflects the four pillars of advanced clinical practice: clinical practice, management/leadership, education and research. This details your development in the role as an ACP and reflects on your assessment, diagnostic, prescribing and clinical management of cases. Your trusts/ organisations will have developed competencies bespoke to the clinical setting which they will require you to complete. Although the portfolio and competencies are not an assessed component of this programme to ensure links between theory and practice several modules will have a practice component as part of their assessment (which must be passed). This will take the form of, for example, a clinical case poster presentation, practice assessment of key skills and practice development project. You will then use these practice assessments to inform your portfolio of evidence.

    It is advisable that throughout your programme you choose a ‘buddy’ (critical friend). This person should be a qualified advanced clinical practitioner and be able to support your learning in practice. They are not an assessor or teacher but a suitably qualified practitioner who can offer you support and guidance as appropriate. When you attend the NMP programme there is an expectation that you will select a buddy, please see NMP programme information for further details.

    The successful completion of the MSc Advanced clinical practice does not mean that you are able to work as an ACP, you must meet your employer’s requirements through completion of their bespoke competencies to be able to become an ACP. Your Trust/organisation are therefore responsible for ensuring that you have successfully completed the bespoke competencies.

    Check out our Continuing Professional Development Timetables for more information. Information about MSc Advanced Clinical Practice can be found on pages 15-20.

    Students on the course have embraced the challenges of the modules and it is evident that this learning is transferred into the clinical setting. The students have created their own support networks and it is a pleasure to see the students grow within their roles.
    Alison GallagherAdvanced Clinical Practice, Programme Director

    How you’ll be assessed

    Throughout the course your knowledge and skills will be informally assessed through a variety of learning activities. You will be encouraged to engage in self-assessment and may be actively involved in peer assessment. Formative assessment (during the module but not part of the final assessment) opportunities will be offered within each module as a part of your on-going learning. For example this may take the form of a case discussion, an essay plan or presentation where you will been given formative feedback by the module leader.

    For each 20 credit module, the assessments are weighted at 4000 words or equivalent. Formal or summative assessment will take place throughout the programme and may include essays/ reports, reflective writing such as a critical reflection, case studies, written exams, and practical skills assessment for example an OSCE (Observed, Structured, and Clinical Examinations) and oral individual presentations. Assessments are designed to measure your knowledge, understanding and skills, and are based on the postgraduate criteria for assessment. All assessments focus on your ability to progress and integrate theory and practice enabling you to demonstrate the fulfilment of the module learning outcomes.

    Your future career

    This course will enable career progression in a clinical setting. Working in partnership with Trusts and organisations to develop the curriculum has ensured that on successful completion of the course the expectations of the ACP role have been met.

    On completion you will have transferable knowledge, experience, skills and attributes that are essential in shaping your own future.

    The location was perfect, in the shadow of Canterbury Cathedral and St Augustine’s Abbey, with archaeological investigations in progress on campus as I was studying.
    AndrewACP alumni


    Tuition fees for this course 

    Costs are split between Unique Advanced Clinical Practice modules, and Shared modules.

    Advanced Clinical Practice total course fee 2025/26: £12,605

    Specialist Advanced Clinical Practice modules

      Module credits Fees
    Advanced Practice Skills and Clinical Reasoning 20 £1,815
    Pathophysiology, Diagnostics and Decision Making for Advanced Practice 20 £1,815
    Pharmacology and the Principles of Prescribing (Non-medical prescribing module) 20 £1,815
    Prescribing in Advanced Practice (Non-medical prescribing module) 20 £1,815

    Shared modules

      Module credits Fees
    Leadership for Organisations 20 £1,070
    Negotiated Learning (Professional Development) 20 £1,070
    Enhancing Care Through Research 20 £1,070
    Dissertation (40 Credits) 40 £2,135


    20% Alumni Discount

    We offer alumni discounts on CCCU Postgraduate Taught, PGCE Primary and Secondary, and Masters by Research courses for eligible students.

    Find out if you're eligible for the discount.

    Important Information on Tuition Fees

    Tuition fees for all courses which last more than one academic year are payable on an annual basis, except where stated.

    There will be an annual inflationary increase in tuition fees for this course where the course lasts more than one academic year. For further information read the Tuition fee statements and continuing fee information.

    As well as the core modules, you may also have the opportunity to study a number of option modules in your second and third year. Option modules will not be pre-selected for you. We provide examples of option modules. The availability of specific option modules may vary from year to year. The offer of an option will be subject to a minimum number of students choosing the module to ensure the appropriate student experience. The offer of option modules may also be affected by staff availability. It means we cannot guarantee the availability of a particular optional module. However, we will ensure you have a choice of option modules.

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