
    Connecting the complex terrorism landscape with a range of security threats, this course provides the opportunity for students to engage in a wide range of 21st Century issues.

    Understanding the challenges and risks from the threat from terrorism, what motivates terrorist activity and what the global response has been to the varied threats will be key elements of this course and will ensure that students have the knowledge and analytical skills to contribute meaningfully to solutions in these areas.

    We have a track record of high student satisfaction relating to our knowledge of counter-terrorism and security issues, as well as speakers directly working in the field. The course is taught and facilitated by academics, as well as professionals from varied backgrounds.

    Why study MSc Counter Terrorism and Security at CCCU?

    You will be studying within the School of Law, Policing and Social Sciences which will enable you to gain a well-rounded understanding of social justice from inter-disciplinary perspective. This course includes several taught modules which cover key legal, social, and political issues.

    Two further modules will allow you to develop a foundational understanding of key threat landscapes globally and in the UK, as well as a three-dimensional understanding of key issues in counter-terrorism globally. Your dissertation then enables you to research a counter-terrorism and/or security topic of your choice and you will be supervised by an expert in the area.

    As part of the course, you will be immersed into the topics via taught inputs as well a number of speaker events, critical incident simulations (e.g. using Hydra Suite simulations or model United Nations table top exercises) and other activities.

    To reflect the dynamic topics we will be exploring together, the content of the modules is continuously reviewed and updated, ensuring you are provided with the most up-to-date knowledge.

    The course is suitable for a range of career pathways, as well as further research and/or learning. This could include current working professionals who would like to deepen their understanding or update their knowledge on counter-terrorism and security, as well as for those just about to embark on a career within counter-terrorism and security. It enables careers in a wide variety of sectors, including public, private and third sector organisations. Further, upon successful completion of the course, you can continue your studies with us – we provide supervision within the counter-terrorism and security area at a PhD level.

    Studying at a postgraduate level at CCCU has been a really rewarding experience. The opportunity to deep dive into counter-terrorism and security subjects that are interesting to me has helped me understand the challenges that counter-terrorism practitioners face regularly. Taking on this course has benefited me in opening new doors within my career. I would highly recommend this degree to anyone embarking on a journey in counter-terrorism or security, as well as those trying to deepen their knowledge.

    Daniel Blanchfield, Sergeant at the Metropolitan Police

    Entry requirements

    Our standard offer for accepting students onto this programme is a good honours degree (2.2 or above). Applicants from a range of undergraduate subjects will be considered.

    This is in addition to a brief personal statement outlining interest and areas of specialism being considered, as well as a complete CV. The University has a well-established Accreditation of Prior Certificated Learning (APCL) and Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) structure in operation. Students without previous qualifications may be accepted as part of this process.

    If you are unsure whether your qualifications are appropriate you can contact our postgraduate admissions team.

    If English is not your first language you require an IELTS overall score of 6.0 with no element below 5.5 for most standard undergraduate and postgraduate courses. There are some exceptions and if the IELTS requirement differs it will be specified on the course page.

    Module information

    Core/optional modules

    *Modules subject to approval

    How you’ll learn

    You will be taught via a variety of methods. This includes lecture-style input surrounding key theories and issues, as well as interactive, seminar based discussions to deepen your understanding and be engaged in your own learning. The vast majority of input is face-to-face at our Canterbury campus with some online learning relating to the research methods module. On average, you should expect ten hours per week to be contact hours (e.g. lectures, seminars, tutorials). 

    It is key that you engage and take charge of your own learning during your course. We expect, on average, that you will spend approximately 4-5 hours per each contact hour studying independently. This includes ensuring you understand materials presented, engaging with provided reading, tasks, and other guided learning, as well as ensure that you take initiative to look beyond materials provided to you. 

    If you are studying this MSc as a full-time student, you should see it as a full-time job with the same commitment requirements. Whilst furthering your academic knowledge can be more flexible, it is important that you do account for it being the equivalent of any other full-time position.

    We are excited to be able to offer a variety of activities outside contact-hour time, including Hydra simulation exercises, guest speaker events, and many more interactive activities. We expect you to take full advantage of these opportunities to deepen your understanding of the topics.

    You will be taught by a variety of academics, professionals and other relevant persons. Staff within the school have postgraduate qualifications, including PhD qualifications and professionals from across the sector have vast amount of experience and accreditation relevant to their profession. You might also be taught by current PhD students who can introduce you to their area of research. All programmes are informed by the University’s Learning and Teaching Strategy.

    How you’ll be assessed

    You’ll be assessed through a variety of strategies throughout the course which will include written assessments encouraging you to develop your critical, analytical and problem-solving skills – you will need to utilise high-level evidence, alongside case studies and reports. We are making sure that the assessment is in line with contemporary practice – for example, you will be asked to undertake a portfolio project which will include undertaking a risk assessment and a photography assignment. 

    Your future career

    If you are a current working professional, this course will enable you to further your current career and may be useful when seeking promotion. Equally, you might be in a transitional period in your career and seeking to explore other areas of social or criminal justice, where counter-terrorism and security knowledge might be key (e.g. missing persons, intelligence, risk assessment, policy development and more).

    If you are not a current working professional, and are just now embarking on your career, this course provides you with a wealth of opportunities within the public, private and third sectors. A career in the security industry, as well as oversight agencies, policing agencies or private sector departments dealing with sections of counter-terrorism are all feasible options for your future.


    Government loans are available for some postgraduate Master’s courses. Loans are subject to both personal and course eligibility criteria.

    The rules around course eligibility mean that in some cases it may depend on how you are studying (full-time or part-time) as to whether you can apply for a postgraduate loan. To check whether your course is eligible, you can email the Student Fees Team or call 01227 923 456.

    Tuition fees for this course

      UK Overseas
    Full-time £9,545 £15,500

    20% Alumni Discount

    We offer alumni discounts on CCCU Postgraduate Taught, PGCE Primary and Secondary, and Master's by Research courses for eligible students.

    Find out if you're eligible for the discount.

    Important Information on Tuition Fees

    Tuition fees for all courses which last more than one academic year are payable on an annual basis, except where stated.

    There will be an annual inflationary increase in tuition fees for this course where the course lasts more than one academic year. For further information read the Tuition fee statements and continuing fee information.

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