
Dr Ian Marsh

Suicide-Safer Lead and Reader & Research Supervisor

School of Allied and Public Health Professions and Student Experience

Ian is a Reader within the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Social Work, and the University Suicide-Safe Lead.

I am a Reader in the School of Allied Health at Canterbury Christ Church University, and the University Suicide-Safer project lead. I am interested in critical approaches to health and social care, particularly as they relate to suicide and suicide prevention. I am currently involved in research on online harms for UK Samaritans, and on suicide in public places for the railway industry, National Highways, and at coastal locations. I am academic lead for the Kent and Medway Suicide Prevention Group, and was a founding member of the Critical Suicide Studies Network. My publications include Suicide: Foucault, History and Truth (Cambridge University Press, 2010); Critical Suicidology: Toward Creative Alternatives (UBC Press, 2016) and Suicide and Social Justice: New Perspectives on the Politics of Suicide and Suicide Prevention (Routledge, 2020).