We know how important it is to stay connected. You can connect to the internet in several ways in your University accommodation.
For most students, eduroam is the recommended service – you can connect quickly and easily in just a few simple steps. If you are using a games console or a smart TV, you should connect wirelessly via our ResNET service.
This service is recommended for laptops, tablets, computers and mobile phones. To be able to connect you’ll need your computing account username and password.
Find out how to connect to eduroam wifi
If you have a device that isn’t compatible with eduroam, you can still connect by registering the MAC address of your device using our ResNET service. These devices might include:
What is a MAC address?
A wireless MAC address is a 12-digit mix of letters and numbers which allows a device to connect to wireless networks. It is found in the Settings of each device and follows this format: AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF.
Gaming service: If you register a games console via ResNET you’ll automatically be added to the gaming service. If you game on a PC, laptop or Mac and want to have your device added to the gaming service, please contact the i-zone Student Information help desk on 01227 922222 or i-zone@canterbury.ac.uk who will log a request to IT on your behalf.
If the device you wish to connect is not listed below, use Google (or your preferred search engine) to run a search for "find MAC address for [name of device]".
If you still cannot find your MAC address, please contact the i-zone Student Information help desk on 01227 922222 or i-zone@canterbury.ac.uk who will log a request to IT on your behalf.
This guide was written with reference to macOS Ventura Version 13.1
If you have visitors to your accommodation, they can connect to the internet using Guest Wi-Fi
Remember you should never share your university computing account password with anyone.