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International student study support

We are here to support you develop the academic skills you need to succeed in your studies.

We provide a range of online resources and individual tutorials to support all CCCU students in achieving their full potential. 

Your personal academic tutor is here to help you to develop and grow as a student. Together you will reflect on your academic development, student life and future goals.

However, we appreciate that education is different around the world. As an international student, you might need help understanding new teaching methods, how exams are done, and what is expected of you in class.

Academic English Language Services

You may encounter various academic challenges when learning at University, especially if English is not your first language.

Our team is here to help you improve your academic English skills and achieve your goals through training, guidance and free English classes.

For more information visit Academic English Language Services.

International Student Success Programme

The International Student Success Programme has been created with students from universities across the UK, including staff and students at CCCCU.

The programme provides practical advice on studying in the UK including. The programme also offers advice on making friends, building your confidence and looking after your wellbeing.

Discover your Learning Skills Hub

Whether you need some extra help with finding resources, guidance on how to write an academic essay, or want to improve your grades, you can find a range of resources and online modules on your Learning Skills Hub