To help you prepare for your next academic year at CCCU, you can refer to this step-by-step guide which takes you through your essential and recommended tasks. 

Step one: before you come back to uni

  • Make sure you re-register, when invited by email to do so. As a returning student, it is important that you complete online re-registration as soon as you can to officially continue as a Canterbury Christ Church University Student. Those who are eligible will be invited, by email, to re-register before the start of your new academic year.
  • If you have a disability, or your disability has changed over the summer, be sure to get in contact with the Student Wellbeing Team so they can ensure the correct support is in place before you return.
  • Check the dates for the start of the academic year, and explore your timetable. We are aiming to publish UniTimetables by the end of August. 
  • Continue to check your university emails from your Course Team for details on your modules and studies for the year ahead. Also regularly check your Blackboard for messages and updates. 
  • Find your Student ID Card (formally known as Smartcard)  It may have been a while since you last saw your card - so remember to have a look for it before September.

Recommended activities

  • Complete modules on the Learning Skills Hub to help you prepare for your next year of study.
  • Create a budgeting plan. For more information on how we're supporting you with the cost of living, including budgeting advice, please check out the Cost of Living Hub.

Step two: your first weeks back

  • Read through your module handbook to familiarise yourself with what is expected academically this semester.  
  • Reconnect with your services. Remind yourself of the wellbeing, academic and career support available, through this Welcome Back Hub.
  • Check out the Student Code of Conduct so you can see what behaviour we expect at CCCU and how we provide students a safe and supportive environment, free from discrimination, bullying or harassment of any form.

Recommended activities:

  • Attend Canterbury and Medway Welcome Fair, and explore the range of Christ Church SU and University events happening over the coming weeks.
  • Register with Unitemps so that you can be notified about latest job opportunities.

Expect Respect

All students are expected to complete the short Expect Respect Module every year. This is to support your role at CCCU as a leader of change, an ally, and an active member of our supportive community. Plus, you'll have the chance to win amazing prizes to boost your wellbeing and belonging!

Preparing for your next year

Whether you've passed all your assessments, need to re-take the year, are returning from interruption or still need to complete reassessments - we're here for you. Head to the preparing for your next year page for information specific to you, and links to relevant Learning Skills Hub modules to help you succeed in your studies.

Accessing your timetable

We are aiming to publish UniTimetables by the end of August. Using UniTimetables, you can get an overview of all the lectures, seminars, workshops and other taught activities on your course.

Please remember that UniTimetables will display all relevant teaching activities associated with a course or module, so if it appears that some or all your modules are taught in multiple groups, you will see details for them all – not just the ones that are relevant to you.

Step three: settle into your semester/ trimester

  • Continue to check your university emails for key information and updates from your Course Team and University.
  • Meet with your personal academic tutor (PAT). Whatever your situation, getting in touch with your PAT at the start of the academic year will enable you to prepare for the semester ahead and identify any skills you need to develop.
  • Put your assessment deadlines and key dates in your online calendar so you can plan ahead and feel prepared. 

Recommended activity

  • Look how you can get involved with student life - try something new, broaden your horizons and meet new people this semester.
  • Think about signing up to be a Student Ambassador - a great way to earn while you learn
  • Explore the Careers and Enterprise Hub and enhance your skills, gain qualifications and prepare for your future.
  • Connect with a student peer mentor  - to share experiences, build support networks and feel connected to the wider university community.
  • Keep up to date with the latest news and events through our student news, and discover key information through our current student webpages.