With exams fast approaching, it’s been a hectic month for everyone. And is it us, or did May fly by?

As always, you’ve been getting in touch with our Course Enquiry Team with all your questions.

It’s been busy for the team as you all prepare to start university in September. With just a few months to go, it won’t be long until you have your results and you’re packing the car to move into your student digs.

Every month, we collect your most popular questions and answer them here so you can be as fully informed as possible whilst you wait for your exams to start.

So here goes….

What happens if I don't know if university is right for me by the UCAS deadline?

The deadline for choosing your first and insurance choices on UCAS is 6 June. If you don't reply by this date then your offer will be withdrawn from UCAS. 

If you still don’t know what to choose by this date, then you have a few options. You can:

  • Choose a university and then defer your choice for a year to give you more thinking time
  • Not put a choice down and reapply through Clearing
  • Decide to take a year out to really think about what you want to do and reapply next year.

Remember, if you’re still not sure then you still have options. Deciding whether or not you want to go to university is a huge decision and it’s one not taken lightly. If you need more thinking time, then that’s a possibility.

If you want to speak to one of our current students to ask them any questions, then you can do this through our website. Simply go to the ‘chat to our students’ page and choose who you’d like to speak you.

You can also choose someone to talk to who’s on a course that you might be interested in. That way, you’ll be able to get a sense of what that course is really like.

When does Clearing open?

Clearing 2024 opens 5 July.

Some important dates to note:

  1. Any undergraduate applications received after 30 June will be automatically entered into Clearing.
  2. If you want to add an Extra choice to your UCAS application, you can do so until 4 July.
  3. When Clearing opens on 5 July, this will show on your UCAS application if you’re eligible.

For those who don’t know, Clearing is an opportunity to:

  • Apply to university if you haven’t done so already.
  • Change your mind about which uni or course you want to pursue.
  • Choose another university if you didn’t get the results you were quite expecting.

If you want to read why Clearing might be the best choice for you, then head to our website.

Student Finance England application - can I apply without an offer?

Yes! The sooner you apply, the better. So, don’t delay!

It can take a little while for your student finance to come through, and there’s nothing worse than having no money the first term of uni, so the sooner you apply, the quicker you’ll receive your money.

If you need more information on student finance, fees, and funding, then head to our website.

Do you offer bespoke tours? Do these include accommodation?

If you can’t make one of our Open Days, then don’t worry. You can still book a bespoke tour with one of our student ambassadors.

Whilst these don’t include accommodation tours, you can email our student tours team to request one.

If this doesn’t take your fancy, then you can have a self-guided tour around our campuses or take a virtual tour from the comfort of your own home. Go to our ‘Visit Us’ page for more information.

When will we receive our timetables and reading lists?

You’ll receive your Course Essentials pack over the summer, which will have all the information you need before you join us in September. This includes a reading list.

But remember not to spend all your time in a book! The sun will be out (hopefully) and it’s a time to relax before the real work starts in September.

You’ll receive your timetable once you join us, and you’ll have access to it via UniTimetable. Don’t stress too much though. We’ll support you in accessing the IT system, your timetable, and anything else you need when you start.


And that’s another month done. Your most popular questions, answered!

If you have any questions, then don’t hesitate to drop an email to our lovely (and busy) Course Enquiry Team.

Until then…. See you in a month!